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Get the IP address of the remote host

... class, which contains ServerVariables property which can provide us the IP address from REMOTE_ADDR property value. 5 ...

Select datatype of the field in postgres

...QL allows you to have the same table name (even an identical table) in multiple schemas. The robust way to write that WHERE clause considers that possibility: where table_catalog = ? and table_schema = ? and table_name = ?; But this information_schema view doesn't consider that the DDL might have us...

Boost.Asio的简单使用(Timer,Thread,Io_service类) - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...服务器,我们需要用户指定一个服务器(如time-nw.nist.gov),用IP亦可. (译者注:日期查询协议,这种时间传输协议不指定固定的传输格式,只要求按照ASCII标准发送数据。) using boost::asio::ip::tcp; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { try { ...

print call stack in C or C++

...ce with demangled function & method names. std::string backtrace(int skip = 1) { void *callstack[128]; const int nMaxFrames = sizeof(callstack) / sizeof(callstack[0]); char buf[1024]; int nFrames = backtrace(callstack, nMaxFrames); char **symbols = backtrace_symbols(callstack...

How to connect to Mysql Server inside VirtualBox Vagrant?

...here to comment), this command can be used in something like an Ansible script to automate granting root user permissions: mysql -e "create user 'root'@'' identified by 'vagrant'; grant all privileges on *.* to 'root'@'' with grant option; flush privileges;" – K...

Inline labels in Matplotlib

...hing like this: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from scipy import ndimage def my_legend(axis = None): if axis == None: axis = plt.gca() N = 32 Nlines = len(axis.lines) print Nlines xmin, xmax = axis.get_xlim() ymin, ymax = axis.get_ylim() ...

windows下捕获dump之Google breakpad_client的理解 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...虚函数异常的断言信息地址、客户进程信息。服务进程会监控客户进程的退出。 客户进程接收的数据包括:客户进程用于触发生成dump的Event Handle;客户进程用于监听的dump生成完毕Event Handle;客户进程用于监听的服务进程活着Mu...

ssh remote host identification has changed

... Use ssh-keygen -R [hostname] Example with an ip address/hostname would be: ssh-keygen -R This will update the offending of your host from the known_hosts. You can also provide the path of the known_hosts with -f flag. ...

Is it possible to ping a server from Javascript?

... on other parts of the source but you get the idea). function Pinger_ping(ip, callback) { if(!this.inUse) { this.inUse = true; this.callback = callback this.ip = ip; var _that = this; this.img = new Image(); this.img.onload = function() {_that.good();}; this.img.o...

How do I get a list of all subdomains of a domain? [closed]

...ns1.foo.bar in your example) is configured to allow AXFR requests from the IP you're using; this is unlikely, unless your IP is configured as a secondary for the domain in question. Basically, there's no easy way to do it if you're not allowed to use axfr. This is intentional, so the only way arou...