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How to get the input from the Tkinter Text Widget?

...the very first character). END is an imported constant which is set to the string "end". The END part means to read until the end of the text box is reached. The only issue with this is that it actually adds a newline to our input. So, in order to fix it we should change END to end-1c(Thanks Bryan O...

Can a dictionary be passed to django models on create?

... your second question, the dictionary has to be the final argument. Again, extra and extra2 should be fields in the model. m2 =MyModel(extra='hello', extra2='world', **data_dict) m2.save() share | ...

Escape quotes in JavaScript

... You need to escape the string you are writing out into DoEdit to scrub out the double-quote characters. They are causing the onclick HTML attribute to close prematurely. Using the JavaScript escape character, \, isn't sufficient in the HTML contex...

Preferred method to store PHP arrays (json_encode vs serialize)

...2.180496931076 seconds JSON decoded in 9.8368630409241 seconds serialized "String" size : 13993 Native PHP : PHP serialized in 2.9125759601593 seconds PHP unserialized in 6.4348418712616 seconds serialized "String" size : 20769 Igbinary : WIN igbinary serialized in 1.6099879741669 secon...

Convert XML to JSON (and back) using Javascript

...onvert JSON to XML DOM Object X2JS.xml_str2json - Convert XML specified as string to JSON X2JS.json2xml_str - Convert JSON to XML string Online Demo on http://jsfiddle.net/abdmob/gkxucxrj/1/ var x2js = new X2JS(); function convertXml2JSon() { $("#jsonArea").val(JSON.stringify(x2js.xml_str2json...

Python Requests throwing SSLError

...he following options, your best option is to set the verify parameter to a string that is the path of the .pem file of the certificate (which you should obtain by some sort of secure means). So, as of version 2.0, the verify parameter accepts the following values, with their respective semantics: ...

Android emulator and virtualbox cannot run at same time

...version of Intel Emulator Accelerator HAXM installed (v6.1.1) . Go to the extras directory of the Android SDK location displayed in the preferences. On MacOS you can do this: open ~/Library/Android/sdk/extras Install the HAXM packing by opening IntelHAXM_6.1.1.dmg, then opening IntelHAXM_6.1.1.mpk...

Why do we need extern “C”{ #include } in C++?

..._gxx_personality_v0 The foo function is actually called "_Z3foov". This string contains type information for the return type and parameters, among other things. If you instead write test.C like this: extern "C" { void foo() { } } Then compile and look at symbols: $ g++ -c test.C $ nm tes...

How to store int[] array in application Settings

...ing with desired name (e.g. SomeTestSetting) and make it of any type (e.g. string by default). Save the changes. Now go to your project folder and open the "Properties\Settings.settings" file with text editor (Notepad, for example) Or you can open it in VS by right-clicking in Solution Explorer on ...

Pass in an array of Deferreds to $.when()

... I actually saw that question but I guess all the extra details in that question caused the answer to my problem (which was right in there) to fly right over my head. – adamjford Apr 11 '11 at 20:50 ...