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How to stop a program running under Eclipse?

...t.unternet.bleah.blarg so then just kill 2097 and you should see the main screen show up again. share | improve this answer | follow | ...

SSH to Vagrant box in Windows?

...e: Putty GUI: HostName: Port: 2222 When you connect(Terminal Screen): User: vagrant Passwd: vagrant Before you try to connect, verify your VM using cmd.exe: vagrant status If it is down use: vagrant up ...

Align contents inside a div

...tion and a left value of 50%...so this div now starts in the middle of the screen, and then I subtract half of all the content of the div's width...and I get BEAUTIFULLY scaling content...and I think this works across all browsers, too. Try it for yourself (this example assumes all content on your s...

Centering a view in its superview using Visual Format Language

... Add below code and have your button at the center of the screen. Absolutely possible. [self.view addConstraints:[NSLayoutConstraint constraintsWithVisualFormat:@"H:|-[button]-|" options:NSLayoutFormatAlignAllCenterY ...

How to close IPython Notebook properly?

...hen you click "close and halt", you will see following message on terminal screen. share | improve this answer | follow | ...

How do I mount a remote Linux folder in Windows through SSH? [closed]

... for executing commands like ls, pwd, etc editors do not work well with my screen reader and an ssh session. I was wondering if it is possible to mount a Linux folder over ssh so it appears as a windows drive? This way I could edit any files I needed to with accessible software and not have to const...

Best way to add Activity to an Android project in Eclipse?

...Click on "Add.." under the "Application Nodes" heading (bottom left of the screen) Choose Activity from the list in the dialog that pops up (if you have the option, you want to create a new top-level element) Click on the "Name*" link under the "Attributes for" header (bottom right of the window) to...

How can I debug a .BAT script?

... in the batch file. Such as ECHO Hello World will print Hello World on the screen when executed. However, without @ECHO OFF at the beginning of the batch file you'll also get "ECHO Hello World" and "Hello World." Finally, if you'd just like to create a blank line, type ECHO. adding the period at the...

How can I start an interactive console for Perl?

...trol+L doesn't work under this command interface, how should I refresh the screen? – Zen Feb 26 '15 at 11:13 1 ...

Disable scrolling in webview?

...l off to the right to the point where all the content has scrolled off the screen. – Michael Sep 3 '13 at 17:37 1 ...