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HTTP Error 404.3 - Not Found" while browsing wcf service on Windows Server 2008(64bit)

...ff -> and make sure you've all the options ticked as mentioned in below screenshot. You might need to activate each box and accept in case you get errors when activating all features at once share | ...

HTML5: number input type that takes only integers?

...antics of the number input type and therefore (importantly) the numeric on-screen keyboards of some tablets and phones is lost when using this method. – pwdst Jun 27 '14 at 14:00 3...

How to make a vertical line in HTML

... Giulio because it does not actually devide the screen into two columns. again you need to use some css staff for desired result, just like div. – Ismail Sahin Nov 30 '14 at 20:21 ...

Can the Android drawable directory contain subdirectories?

...alize your application, also if you have different resources for different screen densities, so it is not a solution, just a workaround valid for only some cases. – Fran Marzoa Jul 5 '12 at 11:14 ...

Can I add a custom attribute to an HTML tag?

...unately, when you display the file in a browser, the ]> shows up on the screen. There’s no way around this bug, so this approach is right out." – Mike Mar 25 '11 at 14:01 ...

How to prevent vim from creating (and leaving) temporary files?

... @user55400 heard of GNU/Screen? (or tmux, or this Japanese alternative) – Elazar Leibovich Apr 26 '11 at 12:53 ...

Place cursor at the end of text in EditText

...e. I was using EditText on a Dialog and pre-populating text from the main screen. When that happens the cursor was staying at the beginning and not at the end but after I tried your suggestion everything is just fine, the way I wanted. Thank you for posting this. – Vincy ...

How to make gradient background in android

... Also, if you want the gradient to fade across the whole screen, make the center band 50% opacity. In this case "#50555994" – Zachary Jul 8 '16 at 14:18 ...

Is it Pythonic to use list comprehensions for just side effects?

...that I'm calling for its side effects, not return values (like printing to screen, updating GUI, printing to a file, etc.). ...

jQuery trigger file input

... many other have before) to absolutely position the input and throw it off screen. #uploadInput { position: absolute; left: -9999px; } share | improve this answer | ...