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RESTfully design /login or /register resources?

...s delivery. Meaning that the same webservice can be rendered in HTML, iOS, Android or even used as server to server combination. It's very rare to combine both HTML and REST as a URL. By default REST are thoughts as services and not having presentation layer. It is the job for those who consume the ...

Facebook Graph API v2.0+ - /me/friends returns empty, or only friends who also use my application

... can still use the Send Dialog on Web or the new Message Dialog on iOS and Android. UPDATE: Facebook have published an FAQ on these changes here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/faq which explain all the options available to developers in order to invite friends etc. ...

Setting environment variables via launchd.conf no longer works in OS X Yosemite/El Capitan/macOS Sie

...nv PRODUCTS_PATH /Users/mortimer/Projects/my_products launchctl setenv ANDROID_NDK_HOME /Applications/android-ndk launchctl setenv PATH $PATH:/Applications/gradle/bin </string> </array> <key>RunAtLoad</key> <true/> </dict> </plist> You c...

How to detect when cancel is clicked on file input?

...th less support *cough Safari cough*. If you're working specifically on an Android/iOS mobile web application which uses the native camera to capture photos/videos directly, then this is the best solution I have come across. The crux of this problem is that when the page loads, the file is null, bu...

Why doesn't RecyclerView have onItemClickListener()?

...for onItemClickListener This solution has been proposed by Hugo Visser, an Android GDE, right after RecyclerView was released. He made a licence-free class available for you to just drop in your code and use it. It showcase some of the versatility introduced with RecyclerView by making use of Recycl...

How to make shallow git submodules?

...r example: git clone --recurse-submodules --branch=master -j8 \ https://android.googlesource.com/platform/superproject \ master git clone --recurse-submodules --branch=master -j8 \ https://android.googlesource.com/platform/superproject \ --reference master master2 fails with: fatal: ...

Why are only a few video games written in Java? [closed]

... I find this dispute very strange. Java ME is not the same as Java in Android and also not the same as Java on PCs. Java ME usually relied on phone manufacturers to come up with a JVM. Some did good job, some didn't. No wonder Carmack was complaining about them. Android has it's own VM which is...

AI2 SideBar Extension

... for imageViewContainer, which is used to align the cover picture, and an Android ListView, which contains the actual SideBar items. The title image is set via the Image property. If None is selected, no picture will be displayed. FitImageSize is used to fit the width of the image to the width of...

How much does it cost to develop an iPhone application? [closed]

... I've done iPhone and Android versions of the same app on several occasions now, in every single case, the Android app was done second and took longer - anywhere from 25% - 100% more engineering hours and usually the end-product looked worse. In t...

Differences between socket.io and websockets

...hub.com/socketio/socket.io/issues?q=install+error If you go to develop an Android app or something that needs to work with your existing app, you would probably be okay working with WS right away, socket.io might give you some trouble there... Plus the WS module for Node.JS is amazingly simple to ...