大约有 43,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0206秒) [XML]


新浪是如何分析处理32亿条实时日志的? - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...默认的index template,目的是更改默认的shard,replica数并将string改为not_analyzed,开启doc_values以应对elasticsearch进程OOM。详细的优化内容见Elasticsearch Optimization Checklist。 随着用户数据的不断增长,index管理也成了大问题,我们需要...

What is the best way to prevent session hijacking?

... work but here goes: Add a serial number into your session cookie, maybe a string like this: SessionUUID, Serial Num, Current Date/Time Encrypt this string and use it as your session cookie. Regularly change the serial num - maybe when the cookie is 5 minutes old and then reissue the cookie. You ...

How do I use pagination with Django class based generic ListViews?

... I have been doing this, but the problem I find, is when I do extra processing on objects in the queryset, it applys them to all of the results in the database. So for a query that returns 100 objects, but shows only ten objects per page, the extra processing will be done on 100 objects...

iPhone Data Usage Tracking/Monitoring

... internet. #include <net/if.h> #include <ifaddrs.h> static NSString *const DataCounterKeyWWANSent = @"WWANSent"; static NSString *const DataCounterKeyWWANReceived = @"WWANReceived"; static NSString *const DataCounterKeyWiFiSent = @"WiFiSent"; static NSString *const DataCounterKeyWiFiRe...

Where am I? - Get country

...the country code set for the phone (phones language, NOT user location): String locale = context.getResources().getConfiguration().locale.getCountry(); can also replace getCountry() with getISO3Country() to get a 3 letter ISO code for the country. This will get the country name: String locale...

SQL Server, convert a named instance to default instance?

... applications. If you want to access a named instance from any connection string without using the instance name, and using only the server name and/or IP address, then you can do the following: Open SQL Server Configuration Manager Click SQL Server Network Configuration Click Protocols for INSTA...

MySQL CONCAT returns NULL if any field contain NULL

... convert the NULL values with empty string by wrapping it in COALESCE SELECT CONCAT(COALESCE(`affiliate_name`,''),'-',COALESCE(`model`,''),'-',COALESCE(`ip`,''),'-',COALESCE(`os_type`,''),'-',COALESCE(`os_version`,'')) AS device_name FROM devices ...

Detecting a mobile browser

...() just to put the more common cases first and let early bailout save some extra processing? – Rob_vH Mar 12 '15 at 14:33 2 ...

How do I fix the error 'Named Pipes Provider, error 40 - Could not open a connection to' SQL Server'

... Solved my issue. Working connection string: Server=MyServerName\DOLPHIN=Trusted_Connection=True;Database=DolphinPlatform While in development (C#) I was connecting to a locally installed MSSQL 2017 server, but when I went to deploy it, the remote server install...

Solving a “communications link failure” with JDBC and MySQL [duplicate]

... connecting to the server. Maybe the problem is because of the wrong query string or too many connections to the database. So I suggest you to try all the solutions one by one and don't give up! Here are the solutions that I found on the internet and for each of them, there is at least on person w...