大约有 5,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0233秒) [XML]


CardView layout_width=“match_parent” does not match parent RecyclerView width

... The solution didn't work for me because the ListView's layout_width was wrap_content. Its weird because this shouldn't affect the list view! So my understanding is that when you provide false as a parameter to the layoutinflater, the ListView adds the list items to the...

Choose File Dialog [closed]

..._parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content"></TextView> <ListView android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:id="@+id/list"></ListView> </LinearLayout> FolderLayout.java package com.testsample.activity; public c...

Is there a way to make ellipsize=“marquee” always scroll?

... when multiple TextViews are on screen at the same time (like when used in ListView) - because usually only one of them can be focused, but this solution 'tricks' the system by telling it all of them are :) Otherwise for single TextView simpler anwer like stackoverflow.com/a/3510891/258848 should be...

What is the intent of the methods getItem and getItemId in the Android class BaseAdapter?

...elt like I needed to use these methods was in a project using the SeparatedListViewAdapter. This adapter can contain multiple different kinds of adapters, each representing data of a different type(typically). When calling getItem(position) on the SeparatedListViewAdapter, the object returned may be...

Why doesn't RecyclerView have onItemClickListener()?

...ubject.asObservable(); } } Original Post: Since the introduction of ListView, onItemClickListener has been problematic. The moment you have a click listener for any of the internal elements the callback would not be triggered but it wasn't notified or well documented (if at all) so there was ...

“ArrayAdapter requires the resource ID to be a TextView” xml problems

I am getting an error when trying to set my view to display the ListView for the file I want to display(text file). I am pretty sure it has something to do with the xml. I just want to display the information from this.file = fileop.ReadFileAsList("Installed_packages.txt"); . My code: ...

fopen 引起的 malloc(): memory corruption的原因分析 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...内部的malloc,才会抛出这个异常, 这个异常通常是由于数组空间的开辟有问题 其实不一定是fopen引起的,但引起这个异常的真正元凶通常会在fopen附近,而且直到执行fopen时,调用了内部的malloc,才会抛出这个异常, 这个异常...

解决 App Inventor 2 Runtime Error运行时错误的专业指南 - App Inventor 2...

...赋值。可以通过增加条件判断来避免空指针异常。 数组越界错误 原因:访问数组时,索引超出了数组的范围。 解决方案:在访问数组元素前,检查索引是否在合法范围内。 文件或资源未找到错误 原因:应用尝...

解决 App Inventor 2 Runtime Error运行时错误的专业指南 - App Inventor 2...

...赋值。可以通过增加条件判断来避免空指针异常。 数组越界错误 原因:访问数组时,索引超出了数组的范围。 解决方案:在访问数组元素前,检查索引是否在合法范围内。 文件或资源未找到错误 原因:应用尝...

解决 App Inventor 2 Runtime Error运行时错误的专业指南 - App Inventor 2...

...赋值。可以通过增加条件判断来避免空指针异常。 数组越界错误 原因:访问数组时,索引超出了数组的范围。 解决方案:在访问数组元素前,检查索引是否在合法范围内。 文件或资源未找到错误 原因:应用尝...