大约有 42,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0113秒) [XML]


How do I do a not equal in Django queryset filtering?

...lookup_name = 'ne' def as_sql(self, qn, connection): lhs, lhs_params = self.process_lhs(qn, connection) rhs, rhs_params = self.process_rhs(qn, connection) params = lhs_params + rhs_params return '%s <> %s' % (lhs, rhs), params Then you need to register it...

How to obtain the query string from the current URL with JavaScript?

...lue("name")); In modern browsers In modern browsers you have the searchParams property of the URL interface, which returns a URLSearchParams object. The returned object has a number of convenient methods, including a get-method. So the equivalent of the above example would be: let params = (new...

Constructor overload in TypeScript

...h all overloads. In your example, this can easily be done with an optional parameter as in, interface IBox { x : number; y : number; height : number; width : number; } class Box { public x: number; public y: number; public height: number; public width: number; ...

Equivalent of .try() for a hash to avoid “undefined method” errors on nil? [duplicate]

...; is not a drop in replacement of #try. Take a look at this example: > params = nil nil > params&.country nil > params = OpenStruct.new(country: "Australia") #<OpenStruct country="Australia"> > params&.country "Australia" > params&.country&.name NoMethodError: u...

Change the name of the :id parameter in Routing resources for Rails

I looked around on how to change the dynamic params slot and found this post that does the exact thing. The post is https://thoughtbot.com/blog/rails-patch-change-the-name-of-the-id-parameter-in ...

How to get UTF-8 working in Java webapps?

...ary to configure that the connector uses UTF-8 to encode url (GET request) parameters: <Connector port="8080" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192" maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75" enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" acceptCount="100" connectionTimeout="20000" disableUpload...

Change the Right Margin of a View Programmatically?

... void setMargins (View v, int l, int t, int r, int b) { if (v.getLayoutParams() instanceof ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) { ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams p = (ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) v.getLayoutParams(); p.setMargins(l, t, r, b); v.requestLayout(); } } You should...

How do I get a raw, compiled SQL query from a SQLAlchemy expression?

...bject and want to get the text of the compiled SQL statement, with all its parameters bound (e.g. no %s or other variables waiting to be bound by the statement compiler or MySQLdb dialect engine, etc). ...

Using javadoc for Python documentation [closed]

...le could look as follows: """Replaces template placeholder with values. :param timestamp: formatted date to display :param priority: priority number :param priority_name: priority name :param message: message to display :returns: formatted string """ Or extended with type information: """Replac...

Matplotlib make tick labels font size smaller

...e tick label objects, you can use plt.setp. (Also, have a look at ax.tick_params) For example, you can just do plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation='vertical', fontsize=14). Also, axes objects have an ax.is_last_row() method which can be handy in cases like your example. Instead of if i != len...