大约有 11,642 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0246秒) [XML]
Is there an API to get bank transaction and bank balance? [closed]
...vide both authentication API for several banks and REST-based transaction fetching endpoints.
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Read lines from a file into a Bash array [duplicate]
... just newlines/CR
$ IFS=$'\r\n' GLOBIGNORE='*' command eval 'XYZ=($(cat /etc/passwd))'
$ echo "${XYZ[5]}"
Also note that you may be setting the array just fine but reading it wrong - be sure to use both double-quotes "" and braces {} as in the example above
What is LINQ and what does it do? [closed]
..., and available from any .NET language (VB.NET, C#, IronPython, COBOL .NET etc).
Ok, on to language features. I'm going to stick to C#, since that's what I know best. VB.NET also had several similar improvements (and a couple that C# didn't get - XML literals). This is a short and incomplete lis...
Does .NET provide an easy way convert bytes to KB, MB, GB, etc.?
...Places + "} bytes", 0); }
// mag is 0 for bytes, 1 for KB, 2, for MB, etc.
int mag = (int)Math.Log(value, 1024);
// 1L << (mag * 10) == 2 ^ (10 * mag)
// [i.e. the number of bytes in the unit corresponding to mag]
decimal adjustedSize = (decimal)value / (1L << (mag...
Configure apache to listen on port other than 80
In /etc/apache2/ports.conf, change the port as
Listen 8079
Then go to /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
And change the first line as
<VirtualHost *: 8079>
Now restart
sudo service apache2 restart
Checking Bash exit status of several commands efficiently
... use extensively on my Red Hat system. They use the system functions from /etc/init.d/functions to print green [ OK ] and red [FAILED] status indicators.
You can optionally set the $LOG_STEPS variable to a log file name if you want to log which commands fail.
step "Installing XFS filesyst...
Set environment variables on Mac OS X Lion
...someone says "edit your .plist file" or "your .profile" or ".bash_profile" etc, this just confuses me. I have no idea where these files are, how to create them if I have to do that, etc, and also why there seem to be so many different ones (why? Do they do different things?)
I forgot the password I entered during postgres installation
find the file pg_hba.conf - it may be located, for example in /etc/postgresql-9.1/pg_hba.conf.
cd /etc/postgresql-9.1/
Back it up
cp pg_hba.conf pg_hba.conf-backup
place the following line (as either the first uncommented line, or as the only one):
For all occurrence of below (loc...
Python executable not finding libpython shared library
... started). This setting will affect your user only.
Add /usr/local/lib to /etc/ld.so.conf and run ldconfig. This is a system-wide setting of course.
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How to start nginx via different port(other than 80)
You have to go to the /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ and if this is the default configuration, then there should be a file by name: default.
Edit that file by defining your desired port; in the snippet below, we are serving the Nginx instance on port 8...