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How to convert floats to human-readable fractions?

...ng for. Its based on the theory of continued fractions and very fast and fairly compact. I have used versions of this customized for specific numerator and denominator limits. /* ** find rational approximation to given real number ** David Eppstein / UC Irvine / 8 Aug 1993 ** ** With corrections ...

Parsing command-line arguments in C?

...care of stuff like, for example: -?, --help for help message, including email address -V, --version for version information --usage for usage message Doing it yourself, which I don't recommend for programs that would be given to somebody else, as there is too much that could go wrong or lower qual...

Tokumx 副本集(集群)全攻略 - 大数据 & AI - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...查看同步详情。(详细参见:https://www.tsingfun.com/it/bigdata_ai/335.html) 仲裁节点(投票):一个虚拟的从库(不可作为主库),不同步任何数据。 程序连接Mongo集群:不能单独连接从库,主库可以。 查看状态: ./mongo rs.statu...

What is the Difference Between read() and recv() , and Between send() and write()?

...that recv()/send() work only on socket descriptors and let you specify certain options for the actual operation. Those functions are slightly more specialized (for instance, you can set a flag to ignore SIGPIPE, or to send out-of-band messages...). Functions read()/write() are the universal file de...

Shouji ceshi - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注IT技能提升

Shouji ceshi 手机编辑的 手机编辑的 0

程序员,你有多久没有跳出技术关注业界了? - 创意 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术


外卖平台烧钱白热化 月烧2亿堪比打车软件 - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术


凤姐变身天使投资人约战董明珠:你年纪太大了 - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++...

...既然“董小姐”的照片可以不断的出现在自己生产的格力手机上,那么我的照片也可以出现在淘皮客的APP上。 同时,“凤姐”还放出豪言,称有“凤姐”照片的APP一定比有“董小姐”照片的手机受欢迎,要是输了就去整成“董...

全球首例3D彩色全息图面世 VR技术再获重大突破 - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C+...

...件协调发展。 花旗认为,虚拟现实技术可能成为继智能手机之后的下一个“风口”。花旗称,VR及AR技术,其作用意义可与互联网的诞生匹敌,将产生取代智能手机的巨大市场,终端设备以及周边产业市场空间高达6740亿美元。...

App Inventor 2 中文网VIP会员报到 - App Inventor 2 中文网 - 清泛IT社区,有思想、有深度

1、已开通会员的用户请回复一下手机后4位数字,目前手动授予VIP勋章。 2、有问题请社区提问,一般48小时内必有审核及回复,加急请联系在线客服。 13886853952手机号码后四位:9517