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javac not working in windows command prompt

... ah yes, all i had to do was re-open the command prompt and it worked fine, thanks! – Domenic Nov 5 '09 at 6:02 1 ...

mongo group query how to keep fields

...are accumulated/funneled/reduced) doesn't make so much sense even theoretically. However, sorting before hand is actually inefficient compared to sorting each group within themselves since sorting algorithms are more complex than O(n). I wish there would be better ways in MongoDB. ...

Mailto links do nothing in Chrome but work in Firefox?

...omputer. I know at work, it will run thunderbird; if they have outlook installed it may run outlook, etc. Personally, it did not run gmail by default, I had to set it up that way. – kennypu Jul 14 '13 at 1:55 ...

Bad class file magic or version

...K section, when you add an Android SDK you should provide the Java SDK and all my Android SDKs uses Java 8 as SDK so it create the class files with the wrong version even if the Project level is 1.7 (i don't know why, i supposed that everything was choosed by Project level). Now i changed the SDK (...

Iterate two Lists or Arrays with one ForEach statement in C#

... Did not know anything about those Zip operations, I'll make a small research on that topic. Thanks! – Hugo Dec 23 '09 at 23:02 4 ...

Can I extend a class using more than 1 class in PHP?

... Answering your edit : If you really want to fake multiple inheritance, you can use the magic function __call(). This is ugly though it works from class A user's point of view : class B { public function method_from_b($s) { echo $s; } } c...

jQuery Ajax POST example with PHP

...me local variables var $form = $(this); // Let's select and cache all the fields var $inputs = $form.find("input, select, button, textarea"); // Serialize the data in the form var serializedData = $form.serialize(); // Let's disable the inputs for the duration of the Ajax ...

Is cout synchronized/thread-safe?

...f particular interest here is the fact that cout is buffered. Even if the calls to write (or whatever it is that accomplishes that effect in that particular implementation) are guaranteed to be mutually exclusive, the buffer might be shared by the different threads. This will quickly lead to corrupt...

How to include jar files with java file and compile in command prompt

...ing/executing any java file. You will not have to include the jars individually every time you compile you file. Different machines have different methods to set the classpath as an environment variable. The commands for Windows, Linux, etc are different. You can find more details in this blog. ...

Python circular importing?

... of it) for the first time, the code inside the module is executed sequentially like any other code; e.g., it is not treated any differently that the body of a function. An import is just a command like any other (assignment, a function call, def, class). Assuming your imports occur at the top of th...