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How can I do a line break (line continuation) in Python?

...is is from the guide: The preferred way of wrapping long lines is by using Python's implied line continuation inside parentheses, brackets and braces. If necessary, you can add an extra pair of parentheses around an expression, but sometimes using a backslash looks better. – J...

How to use PyCharm to debug Scrapy projects

I am working on Scrapy 0.20 with Python 2.7. I found PyCharm has a good Python debugger. I want to test my Scrapy spiders using it. Anyone knows how to do that please? ...

Correct way to pause Python program

... Seems fine to me (or raw_input() in Python 2.X). Alternatively you could use time.sleep() if you want to pause for a certain number of seconds. import time print("something") time.sleep(5.5) # pause 5.5 seconds print("something") ...

Pythonic way to create a long multi-line string

I have a very long query. I would like to split it in several lines in Python. A way to do it in JavaScript would be using several sentences and joining them with a + operator (I know, maybe it's not the most efficient way to do it, but I'm not really concerned about performance in this stage, jus...

How to get line count of a large file cheaply in Python?

...ed to get a line count of a large file (hundreds of thousands of lines) in python. What is the most efficient way both memory- and time-wise? ...

What is the python “with” statement designed for?

I came across the Python with statement for the first time today. I've been using Python lightly for several months and didn't even know of its existence! Given its somewhat obscure status, I thought it would be worth asking: ...

Empty set literal?

... There are set literals, but only in Python 3.x. There isn't a literal for empty sets either way. – user395760 May 25 '11 at 20:27 2 ...

how to “reimport” module to python then code be changed after import

... For Python 2.x reload(foo) For Python 3.x import importlib import foo #import the module here, so that it can be reloaded. importlib.reload(foo) sh...

Can I use `pip` instead of `easy_install` for `python setup.py install` dependency resolution?

python setup.py install will automatically install packages listed in requires=[] using easy_install . How do I get it to use pip instead? ...

How can I print literal curly-brace characters in python string and also use .format on it?

...gt; print(x.format(42)) ' { Hello } 42 ' Here's the relevant part of the Python documentation for format string syntax: Format strings contain “replacement fields” surrounded by curly braces {}. Anything that is not contained in braces is considered literal text, which is copied unchanged ...