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An ASP.NET setting has been detected that does not apply in Integrated managed pipeline mode

... This shouldn't really affect your app's security. It just turns off the warning that says you have some configuration values that won't be used. – David Jan 27 '12 at 22:44 ...

ReactJS Two components communicating

... The best approach would depend on how you plan to arrange those components. A few example scenarios that come to mind right now: <Filters /> is a child component of <List /> Both <Filters /> and <List /> are ...

How can I enable or disable the GPS programmatically on Android?

....setClassName("com.android.settings", "com.android.settings.widget.SettingsAppWidgetProvider"); poke.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_ALTERNATIVE); poke.setData(Uri.parse("3")); sendBroadcast(poke); } } private void turnGPSOff(){ String provider = Settings.Secure.getStr...

Can I make a function available in every controller in angular?

...nction foo that I want to be able to call from anywhere inside of my ng-app declaration. Is there someway I can make it globally accessible in my module setup or do I need to add it to the scope in every controller? ...

When and why should I use fragments in Android applications? [duplicate]

I often need the different parts of my applications to have their own special behavior and UI, and I don't know how fragments can help. In most cases, I think it is quicker to create 2 different activities (e.g., 1 for tablets and 1 for handsets), and to share the common behaviors and events in a th...

Generating statistics from Git repository [closed]

... of git-statistics project at Google Summer of Code 2008 This is not a web app gitinspector Is a rather new, CLI based Python tool for generating nice reports Hercules - native app without dependencies, written in Go, which specializes in advanced analysis types. ...

iPhone Simulator - Simulate a slow connection?

...wn the internet connection to the iPhone Simulator, so as to mimic how the App might react when you are in a slow spot on the cellular network? ...

Why do I get a warning icon when I add a reference to an MEF plugin project?

...n project and instantiating the plugin class. When I create a test Console App project and add a project reference to the plugin project, I get a warning icon (yellow triangle with exclamation mark) next to the reference in the References list. ...

How do I run a Ruby file in a Rails environment?

...ur script. If your script is located in the script directory of your Rails app do require File.expand_path('../../config/environment', __FILE__) You can control the environment used (development/test/production) by setting the RAILS_ENV environment variable when running the script. RAILS_ENV=pro...

How to log SQL statements in Grails

...["STDOUT"], false) or Option #2 add the following to dataSource in the application.yml. However this approach does not log the parameter values environments: local: dataSource: logSql: true formatSql: true ...