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Why is GHC so large/big?

... It's a bit silly really. Every library that comes with GHC is provided in no less than 4 flavours: static dynamic profiled GHCi The GHCi version is just the static version linked together in a single .o file. The other three versions all ...

Open a URL in a new tab (and not a new window)

...e Javascript has nothing to do with how the new tab/window is opened. It's all determined by your browser's settings. Using window.open tells the browser to open something new, then the browser opens up what is chosen in its settings - tab or window. In the browsers you tested with, change the setti...

How does collections.defaultdict work?

... Usually, a Python dictionary throws a KeyError if you try to get an item with a key that is not currently in the dictionary. The defaultdict in contrast will simply create any items that you try to access (provided of course th...

How can I keep Bootstrap popovers alive while being hovered?

... Test with code snippet below: Small modification (From the solution provided by vikas) to suit my use case. Open popover on hover event for the popover button Keep popover open when hovering over the popover box Close popover on mouseleave for either the ...

How to build for armv6 and armv7 architectures with iOS 5

... had to make some modifications so it would work correctly under iOS5, but all those changes were done with iOS4-friendly code changes. We also added some iOS5-specific capabilities in a manner that allows the app to run without crashing under iOS4. Specifically, we tested for iOS5 capabilities bef...

What's the cause of this FatalExecutionEngineError in .NET 4.5 beta? [closed]

The sample code below occurred naturally. Suddenly my code thew a very nasty-sounding FatalExecutionEngineError exception. I spent a good 30 minutes trying to isolate and minimize the culprit sample. Compile this using Visual Studio 2012 as a console app: ...

When to use in vs ref vs out

...ss you need ref. It makes a big difference when the data needs to be marshalled e.g. to another process, which can be costly. So you want to avoid marshalling the initial value when the method doesn't make use of it. Beyond that, it also shows the reader of the declaration or the call whether the ...

Python argparse mutual exclusive group

... add_mutually_exclusive_group doesn't make an entire group mutually exclusive. It makes options within the group mutually exclusive. What you're looking for is subcommands. Instead of prog [ -a xxxx | [-b yyy -c zzz]], you'd have: p...

Calling dynamic function with dynamic number of parameters [duplicate]

I’m looking for a trick about this. I know how to call a dynamic, arbitrary function in JavaScript, passing specific parameters, something like this: ...

Overriding superclass property with different type in Swift

... Swift does not allow you to change the class type of any variables or properties. Instead you can create an extra variable in the subclass that handles the new class type: class Chassis {} class RacingChassis : Chassis {} class Car { ...