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Rails: select unique values from a column

... Model.select(:rating) Result of this is a collection of Model objects. Not plain ratings. And from uniq's point of view, they are completely different. You can use this: Model.select(:rating).map(&:rating).uniq or this (mo...

Selecting a row in DataGridView programmatically

How can I select a particular range of rows in a DataGridView programmatically at runtime? 8 Answers ...

how to exclude null values in array_agg like in string_agg using postgres?

... SQL Fiddle select id, (select array_agg(a) from unnest(canonical_users) a where a is not null) canonical_users, (select array_agg(a) from unnest(non_canonical_users) a where a is not null) non_canonical_users from ( SELE...

How to get the caret column (not pixels) position in a textarea, in characters, from the start?

...refox, Safari (and other Gecko based browsers) you can easily use textarea.selectionStart, but for IE that doesn't work, so you will have to do something like this: function getCaret(node) { if (node.selectionStart) { return node.selectionStart; } else if (!document.selection) { return ...

How to avoid the “divide by zero” error in SQL?

...rder to avoid a "Division by zero" error we have programmed it like this: Select Case when divisor=0 then null Else dividend / divisor End ,,, But here is a much nicer way of doing it: Select dividend / NULLIF(divisor, 0) ... Now the only problem is to remember the NullIf bit, if I use the "/"...

Entity Framework select distinct name

... Using lambda expression.. var result = EFContext.TestAddresses.Select(m => m.Name).Distinct(); share | improve this answer | follow | ...

How to calculate age (in years) based on Date of Birth and getDate()

...low: try this: DECLARE @dob datetime SET @dob='1992-01-09 00:00:00' SELECT DATEDIFF(hour,@dob,GETDATE())/8766.0 AS AgeYearsDecimal ,CONVERT(int,ROUND(DATEDIFF(hour,@dob,GETDATE())/8766.0,0)) AS AgeYearsIntRound ,DATEDIFF(hour,@dob,GETDATE())/8766 AS AgeYearsIntTrunc OUTPUT: Age...

typecast string to integer - Postgres

...ur value is an empty string, you can use NULLIF to replace it for a NULL: SELECT NULLIF(your_value, '')::int share | improve this answer | follow | ...

What is the difference between “INNER JOIN” and “OUTER JOIN”?

...he intersection of the two tables, i.e. the two rows they have in common. select * from a INNER JOIN b on a.a = b.b; select a.*, b.* from a,b where a.a = b.b; a | b --+-- 3 | 3 4 | 4 Left outer join A left outer join will give all rows in A, plus any common rows in B. select * from a LEFT OUT...

How to count occurrences of a column value efficiently in SQL?

... This should work: SELECT age, count(age) FROM Students GROUP by age If you need the id as well you could include the above as a sub query like so: SELECT S.id, S.age, C.cnt FROM Students S INNER JOIN (SELECT age, count(age) a...