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When should Flask.g be used?
I saw that g will move from the request context to the app context in Flask 0.10, which made me confused about the intended use of g .
Detect if the app was launched/opened from a push notification
Is it possible to know if the app was launched/opened from a push notification?
26 Answers
What does “./bin/www” do in Express 4.x?
I just started to learn about Express 4.0 in my Node.js app, and I found that it generated ./bin/www file, on which only the application server and port settings are written and everything others like middleware and routing is defined in ./app.js file.
Add a prefix to all Flask routes
The answer depends on how you are serving this application.
Sub-mounted inside of another WSGI container
Assuming that you are going to run this application inside of a WSGI container (mod_wsgi, uwsgi, gunicorn, etc); you need to actually mount, at that prefix the appli...
Facebook App: localhost no longer works as app domain
... Since I started using the Facebook Javascript SDK, using localhost as an app domain seemed to work just fine. I was able to test my game both locally and on Heroku.
Transferring ownership of an iPhone app on the app store
My team and I have an app which we're going to be submitting to the store pretty soon, but we know that we'll be selling the app to another company in the near future. Does anyone have any experience with moving an app's ownership to another account?
What's the recommended approach to resetting migration history using Django South?
...is dangerous
and may destroy the database if there are any third party apps using
south in the project, as pointed out by @thnee below. Since your
answer has so many upvotes I'd really appreciate it if you could edit
it and add at least a warning about this, or (even better) change i...
iPhone App Minus App Store?
If I create an application on my Mac, is there any way I can get it to run on an iPhone without going through the app store?
Express: How to pass app-instance to routes from a different file?
...s. I currently have a solution to achieve this, however I need to make the app-instance global to be able to access it in the actions.
My current setup looks like this:
Error 908: Permission Receive SMS - #5 by Taifun - MIT App Inventor Help - MIT App Inventor Community
... background-color: #ffffff;
#d-splash .preloader-text-wrapper {
color: #222222;
/* then deal with dark scheme */
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
html {
background-color: #ffffff;
#d-splash .preloader-text-wrapper {