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How to customize user profile when using django-allauth

I have a django project with the django-allauth app. I need to collect additional data from the user at signup. I came across a similar question here but unfortunately, no one answered the profile customization part. ...

My attempt at value initialization is interpreted as a function declaration, and why doesn't A a(())

...has taught me is what is known as the "most vexing parse", which is classically demonstrated with a line such as 5 Answers ...

How to manage local vs production settings in Django?

...velopment and production. And every developer has a different code base.I call anti-pattern here. – pydanny Jan 31 '13 at 16:25 8 ...

Extracting bits with a single multiplication

..... A multiplication is a bunch of shift-and-add operations. The key is to allow overflow to "shift away" the bits we don't need and put the ones we want in the right place. Multiplication by 4 (00000100) would shift everything left by 2 and get you to a00b0000 . To get the b to move up we need to...

No mapping found for field in order to sort on in ElasticSearch

... I still have the problem but I want the documents to be in the results in all cases even if they don't have the attribute. – c4k Oct 27 '13 at 15:47 ...

How do you turn a Mongoose document into a plain object?

...ng is that JSON.parse(JSON.encode(doc)) works and returns an object with all of the correct properties. Is there a better way to do this? ...

Javascript “this” pointer within nested function

... In JavaScript the this object is really based on how you make your function calls. In general there are three ways to setup the this object: someThing.someFunction(arg1, arg2, argN) someFunction.call(someThing, arg1, arg2, argN) someFunction.apply(someThing...

How to replace spaces in file names using a bash script

...whole question is about micro-optimizing more or less. Isn't it fun, after all? ;-) – Michael Krelin - hacker Apr 26 '10 at 18:33 17 ...

GPU Emulator for CUDA programming without the hardware [closed]

Question: Is there an emulator for a Geforce card that would allow me to program and test CUDA without having the actual hardware? ...

Cartesian product of x and y array points into single array of 2D points

... 5], [2, 5], [3, 5]]) See Using numpy to build an array of all combinations of two arrays for a general solution for computing the Cartesian product of N arrays. share | improve this...