大约有 7,106 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0408秒) [XML]
Repeat String - Javascript
...n. To remedy this issue, in August, 2008 I published an article http://www.webreference.com/programming/javascript/jkm3/3.html explaining the algorithm and using it as an example of simple of general-purpose JavaScript optimizations. By now, Web Reference has scrubbed my contact information and even...
Using ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem in ASP.NET in a high traffic scenario
...ith the words Begin and End. As in Stream.BeginRead, Socket.BeginConnect, WebRequest.BeginGetResponse, and so on.
These methods do use the ThreadPool, but they use IOCPs, which do not interfere with ASP.NET requests. They are a special kind of lightweight thread that can be "woken up" by an inter...
What is an ORM, how does it work, and how should I use one? [closed]
...our code a little cleaner.
You don't have to write poorly-formed SQL (most Web programmers really suck at it, because SQL is treated like a "sub" language, when in reality it's a very powerful and complex one).
Sanitizing; using prepared statements or transactions are as easy as calling a method.
Preserve line breaks in angularjs
...pace property can be found here:
If you want to break on newlines, but also collapse multiple spaces or white space preceeding the text (very similar to the original browser behaviour), you can use, as @aaki suggested:
white-space: pre-...
How to Avoid Response.End() “Thread was being aborted” Exception during the Excel file download
... According to documentation at docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.web.httpresponse.end Request.End is supported only for backward compatibility. CompleteRequest usage is recommended as replacement
– Rudolf Dvoracek
Jul 3 '18 at 10:59
BeanFactory vs ApplicationContext
...ementation | XMLBeanFactory | ClassPath/FileSystem/WebXmlApplicationContext|
| internationalization | No | Yes |
| Enterprise services | No | Yes |
| Application...
Browser doesn't scale below 400px?
...x (Windows) but I have a really simple solution to the problem:
Dock the web inspector to the right instead of to the bottom
Resize the inspector panel - you can now make the browser area really small (down to 0px)
Update: Chrome now allows you to arrange the inspector windows vertically when do...
CSS text-overflow: ellipsis; not working?
Useful references:
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vertical-align with Bootstrap 3
Flexible box layout
With the advent of the CSS Flexible Box, many of web designers' nightmares1 have been resolved. One of the most hacky ones, the vertical alignment. Now it is possible even in unknown heights.
"Two decades of layout hacks are coming to an end. Maybe not tomorrow,
but s...
Make sure that the controller has a parameterless public constructor error
... your configuration), it return null. It is forced to return null, because Web API forces it to do so due to the IDependencyResolver contract. Since Unity returns null, Web API will try to create the controller itself, but since it doesn't have a default constructor it will throw the "Make sure that...