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Creating a BLOB from a Base64 string in JavaScript

...al method without any dependencies or libraries. It requires the new fetch API. (Can I use it?) var url = "" fetch(url) .then(res => res.blob()) .then(con...

Private virtual method in C++

... I find your argument invalid. You as a developer of an API should strive for an interface that is hard to use incorrectly and not set another developer up for your own mistakes in doing so. What you want to do in your example could be implemented with only private virtual methods...

How do I use valgrind to find memory leaks?

...y? The variable value is considered a "borrowed reference" in the Jansson API. Jansson keeps track of its memory for you, and you simply have to decref JSON structures independent of each other. The lesson here: read the documentation. Really. It's sometimes hard to understand, but they're telli...

How do I delete all messages from a single queue using the CLI?

... To purge queue you can use following command (more information in API doc): curl -i -u guest:guest -XDELETE http://localhost:15672/api/queues/vhost_name/queue_name/contents share | improv...

static files with express.js

... It is a global in your nodejs module. nodejs.org/docs/latest/api/globals.html#globals_dirname – ChrisCantrell Oct 28 '14 at 18:10 7 ...

Relation between CommonJS, AMD and RequireJS?

... RequireJS implements the AMD API (source). CommonJS is a way of defining modules with the help of an exports object, that defines the module contents. Simply put, a CommonJS implementation might work like this: // someModule.js exports.doSomething = fu...

How to get a Static property with Reflection

... Just wanted to clarify this for myself, while using the new reflection API based on TypeInfo - where BindingFlags is not available reliably (depending on target framework). In the 'new' reflection, to get the static properties for a type (not including base class(es)) you have to do something l...

What's the main difference between Java SE and Java EE? [duplicate]

...nt. In Java SE, you make all the "standards" programs with Java, using the API described here. You only need a JVM to use Java SE. Java EE (formerly J2EE) is the enterprise edition of Java. With it, you make websites, Java Beans, and more powerful server applications. Besides the JVM, you need an a...

Is there an easy way to convert jquery code to javascript? [closed]

...to just learn how to do DOM traversing and manipulation with the plain DOM api (you would probably call this: normal JavaScript). This can however be a pain for some things. (which is why libraries were invented in the first place). Googling for "javascript DOM traversing/manipulation" should pre...

What does Google Closure Library offer over jQuery? [closed]

... In my brief look at the API I find the differences between jQuery and Closure to be striking. jQuery is basically just a simplified way to do many frequent operations in a cross-browser way. Closure is a framework that is very new, in that they pr...