大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0718秒) [XML]


How can I get the current stack trace in Java?

... On android a far easier way is to use this: import android.util.Log; String stackTrace = Log.getStackTraceString(exception);

How to set layout_weight attribute dynamically from code?

How can I set the value for the attribute layout_weight for button in android dynamically from java code ? 9 Answers ...

App Inventor 2 连接方式:AI伴侣、模拟器、USB · App Inventor 2 中文网

... 测试介质 特点 AI伴侣 Android手机 特别适合小朋友,简单高效,所见即所得,还能编译成apk真机测试。前提是必须有一部安卓手机,并安装好AI伴侣app   幕享App 将安卓手...

C++ compiling on Windows and Linux: ifdef switch [duplicate]

...s://wiki.qt.io/Get-OS-name-in-Qt QString Get::osName() { #if defined(Q_OS_ANDROID) return QLatin1String("android"); #elif defined(Q_OS_BLACKBERRY) return QLatin1String("blackberry"); #elif defined(Q_OS_IOS) return QLatin1String("ios"); #elif defined(Q_OS_MAC) return QLatin1String("o...

How can I convert an Integer to localized month name in Java?

... Apparently in Android 2.2 there is a bug with SimpleDateFormat. In order to use month names you have to define them yourself in your resources: <string-array name="month_names"> <item>January</item> <item>...

How to go back to previous page if back button is pressed in WebView?

... If using Android 2.2 and above (which is most devices now), the following code will get you what you want. @Override public void onBackPressed() { if (webView.canGoBack()) { webView.goBack(); } else { super.on...

How to dismiss the dialog with click on outside of the dialog?

...uhammedRefaat - Please look at this thread groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/android-developers/VhaiIMl6E_w . They nicely described it. – user370305 Nov 26 '14 at 19:29 ...

Change Volley timeout duration

I use the new Volley framework for Android to do a request to my server. But it timeouts before getting the response, although it does respond. ...

How to get Resource Name from Resource id

... No, u got it all wrong . I want to retrieve text radio1 from android:id="@+id/radio1" – Code_Life Apr 13 '12 at 8:50 ...

How to convert int[] into List in Java?

... some reason this doesn't seem to be returning the expected result type on Android Studio(works on eclipse) It says, expected List<Integer> found List<Object>. – Eugenio Lopez Aug 7 '18 at 19:13 ...