大约有 9,500 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0384秒) [XML]


What is the difference between Tomcat, JBoss and Glassfish?

...er and Java servlet container. JBoss and GlassFish are full-blown Java EE application servers, including an EJB container and all the other features of that stack. On the other hand, Tomcat has a lighter memory footprint (~60-70 MB), while those Java EE servers weigh in at hundreds of megs. Tomca...

Change “on” color of a Switch

I'm using a standard Switch control with the holo.light theme in a ICS app. 22 Answers ...

Remove/hide a preference from the screen

... i need completely hide one of the preferences from the screen based on my app state. There is a setEnabled method, but it's not exactly what i want. I want to remove that preference from the screen completely. Is it possible ? ...

Detect whether there is an Internet connection available on Android [duplicate]

...signal, captive portals, content filters and the like can all prevent your app from reaching a server. For instance you can't tell for sure if your app can reach Twitter until you receive a valid response from the Twitter service. ...

Waiting until two async blocks are executed before starting another block

...e, "Waiting on Groups of Queued Tasks" in the "Dispatch Queues" chapter of Apple's iOS Developer Library's Concurrency Programming Guide Your example could look something like this: dispatch_group_t group = dispatch_group_create(); dispatch_group_async(group,dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUE...

android layout: This tag and its children can be replaced by one and a compound drawable

...View with compound drawable(s). There are NOT many parameters which can be applied to compound drawable using native API and this TextViewRichDrawable library, but if you can manage one TextView instead of using LinearLayout you should definitely use it. The list of attributes and parameters which ...

Android: Getting a file URI from a content URI?

In my app the user is to select an audio file which the app then handles. The problem is that in order for the app to do what I want it to do with the audio files, I need the URI to be in file format. When I use Android's native music player to browse for the audio file in the app, the URI is a cont...

iOS 7 - Failing to instantiate default view controller

I am using Xcode 5 in a newly created app and when I just create it I go for the run button e click on it, then the project gets built but it does not show in the iOS Simulator and I get the following message: ...

What are the pros and cons to keeping SQL in Stored Procs versus Code [closed]

... are MORE maintainable because: * You don't have to recompile your C# app whenever you want to change some SQL You'll end up recompiling it anyway when datatypes change, or you want to return an extra column, or whatever. The number of times you can 'transparently' change the SQL out from und...

How to detect shake event with android?

...nexus has to be a much more violent shake on a galaxy III running the same app. if i make it less sensitive for this device, it'll be too sensitive on something like the nexus. hmmmmmmm. – topwik Jun 19 '13 at 19:57 ...