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Defining Z order of views of RelativeLayout in Android

... Please note, buttons and other elements in API 21 and greater have a high elevation, and therefore ignore the xml order of elements regardless of parent layout. Took me a while to figure that one out. ...

How do you close/hide the Android soft keyboard using Java?

...so many answers, each different, for the same simple question is that this API, like many others in Android, is horribly designed. I can think of no polite way to state it. I want to hide the keyboard. I expect to provide Android with the following statement: Keyboard.hide(). The end. Thank you ver...

Download the Android SDK components for offline install

...l other package list is available. lets say you want to download platform api-9 and it is available on repository-7 then you have to do following steps note the repository address and go to any other machine which has internet connection and type following link in any browser https://dl-ssl.goog...

Is it possible to use Java 8 for Android development?

...rsberg (caution: shameless plug!) - as to not supporting the Java 8 stream API, you could make use of my library at sourceforge.net/projects/streamsupport - it explicitly addresses support for Android. – Stefan Zobel May 27 '15 at 19:40 ...

A clean, lightweight alternative to Python's twisted? [closed]

... I suppose it's similar to Eventlet in this way. The downside is that its API is quite different from Python's sockets/threading modules; you need to rewrite a fair bit of your application (or write a compatibility shim layer) Edit: It seems that there's also cogen, which is similar, but uses Pyth...

How to make an Android device vibrate?

...hot(500, VibrationEffect.DEFAULT_AMPLITUDE)); } else { //deprecated in API 26 v.vibrate(500); } Note: Don't forget to include permission in AndroidManifest.xml file: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE"/> ...

Is there a portable way to get the current username in Python?

...y aren't portable, but that's what os.name and ifstatements are for. win32api.GetUserName() win32api.GetUserNameEx(...) See: http://timgolden.me.uk/python/win32_how_do_i/get-the-owner-of-a-file.html share | ...

Daylight saving time and time zone best practices [closed]

...t's "tz" library. Do not use Boost for time zone conversions. While its API claims to support standard IANA (aka "zoneinfo") identifiers, it crudely maps them to POSIX-style data, without considering the rich history of changes each zone may have had. (Also, the file has fallen out of maintenanc...

google oauth2 redirect_uri with several parameters

...ve your data. See more about google OAuth 2 here: http://code.google.com/apis/accounts/docs/OAuth2.html share | improve this answer | follow | ...

Auto-center map with multiple markers in Google Maps API v3

This is what I use to display a map with 3 pins/markers: 7 Answers 7 ...