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Check if passed argument is file or directory in Bash

I'm trying to write an extremely simple script in Ubuntu which would allow me to pass it either a filename or a directory, and be able to do something specific when it's a file, and something else when it's a directory. The problem I'm having is when the directory name, or probably files too, has s...

Create a folder if it doesn't already exist

I've run into a few cases with WordPress installs with Bluehost where I've encountered errors with my WordPress theme because the uploads folder wp-content/uploads was not present. ...

Get first n characters of a string

...} Update 3: It's been a while since I wrote this answer and I don't actually use this code any more. I prefer this function which prevents breaking the string in the middle of a word using the wordwrap function: function truncate($string,$length=100,$append="…") { $string = trim($st...

PostgreSQL: Modify OWNER on all tables simultaneously in PostgreSQL

How do I modify the owner of all tables in a PostgreSQL database? 20 Answers 20 ...

How can I get `find` to ignore .svn directories?

...you look at ack ? It's a source-code aware find, and as such will automatically ignore many file types, including source code repository info such as the above. share | improve this answer ...

How can I have Github on my own server?

... Just realized it is Ruby, it's really nice though – JasonDavis Dec 5 '11 at 19:50 11 ...

Create MSI or setup project with Visual Studio 2012

I create a small application and I would like to create one MSI file. 8 Answers 8 ...

AJAX in Chrome sending OPTIONS instead of GET/POST/PUT/DELETE?

...nal web application at work. In IE10 the requests work fine, but in Chrome all the AJAX requests (which there are many) are sent using OPTIONS instead of whatever defined method I give it. Technically my requests are "cross domain." The site is served on localhost:6120 and the service I'm making AJA...

Autocompletion in Vim

...ComplPop to get automatic code completion as you type. 2015 Edit: I personally use YouCompleteMe now. share | improve this answer | follow | ...

Is it possible to perform a 'grep search' in all the branches of a Git project?

Is it possible to run git grep inside all the branches of a Git control sourced project? Or is there another command to run? ...