大约有 33,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0455秒) [XML]


How can I see the entire HTTP request that's being sent by my Python application?

In my case, I'm using the requests library to call PayPal's API over HTTPS. Unfortunately, I'm getting an error from PayPal, and PayPal support cannot figure out what the error is or what's causing it. They want me to "Please provide the entire request, headers included". ...

Java: convert List to a String

...you have a Collection with another type than String you can use the Stream API with the joining Collector: List<Person> list = Arrays.asList( new Person("John", "Smith"), new Person("Anna", "Martinez"), new Person("Paul", "Watson ") ); String joinedFirstNames = list.stream() .map(Per...

What is the best testing framework to use with Node.js? [closed]

... and Chai allows for several flexible assert options, including the expect api, for those who don't like to modify the object prototype. share | improve this answer | follow ...

Get list of data-* attributes using javascript / jQuery

... Have a look here: If the browser also supports the HTML5 JavaScript API, you should be able to get the data with: var attributes = element.dataset or var cat = element.dataset.cat Oh, but I also read: Unfortunately, the new dataset property has not yet been implemented in any browse...

Find the closest ancestor element that has a specific class

... selectors, not just classes https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element.closest For legacy browsers that do not support closest() but have matches() one can build selector-matching similar to @rvighne's class matching: function findAncestor (el, sel) { while ((el = el.parentEl...

client secret in OAuth 2.0

To use google drive api, I have to play with the authentication using OAuth2.0. And I got a few question about this. 3 Answ...

Python name mangling

...m if you want to look inside the class for some reason. The point is: your API should be good and the rest is details. Guido said so Well, this is not controversial: he said so, actually. (Look for "open kimono.") This is culture Yes, there are some reasons, but no critical reason. This is mostl...

Is a successor for TeX/LaTeX in sight? [closed]

...n open document and segment interchange format called MIF, a comprehensive API and extensive support for structured documentation. It's quite widely used in aerospace circles (for example) where reference documents for aircraft run to tens of thousands of pages. Additionally, there are several also...

Neo4j - Cypher vs Gremlin query language

I'm starting to develop with Neo4j using the REST API. I saw that there are two options for performing complex queries - Cypher (Neo4j's query language) and Gremlin (the general purpose graph query/traversal language). ...

How to shut down the computer from C#

...true) ] internal static extern IntPtr GetCurrentProcess(); [DllImport("advapi32.dll", ExactSpelling=true, SetLastError=true) ] internal static extern bool OpenProcessToken( IntPtr h, int acc, ref IntPtr phtok ); [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError=true) ] internal static extern bool LookupPriv...