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mtex.cpp 断言失败崩溃:行90,行108 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...xe!CSingleLock::CSingleLock(CSyncObject* pObject, BOOL bInitialLock)行 90 C++ASSERT(pObject->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(C...> xxx.exe!CSingleLock::CSingleLock(CSyncObject* pObject, BOOL bInitialLock) 行 90 C++ ASSERT(pObject->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CSyncObject))); > xxx.exe!CSingleLock::Lock(unsig...

ADO方式读取EXCEL数据存在致命BUG!!!!! - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...EXCEL数据存在致命BUG!!!!!本文适合使用VBA编程(清泛网注:C++ ADO读Excel也适用)的网友阅读。在进行VBA编程时,为了使程序适用范围广,执行效率高,大家都喜欢使用A...本文适合使用VBA编程(清泛网注:C++ ADO读Excel也适用)的网友阅读...

2014年腾讯代码报告 PDF - 文档下载 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...腾讯公司累计代码行已达14亿,参与编码人员1 2万,其中C++使用率稳居第一。2014年腾讯代码报告,截止到2014年底,腾讯公司累计代码行已达14亿,参与编码人员1.2万,其中C++使用率稳居第一。WinXP,Win7,Win8,Win10906K

stdbool.h C99标准杂谈 - c++1y / stl - 清泛IT社区,为创新赋能!

include <stdbool.h> 找不到头文件??? bool 是C++中的关键字,C中不支持 所以C99标准中引入了头文件 stdbool.h,包含了四个用于布尔型的预定义宏: #define true 1 #define false 0 #define bool _Bool typdef int _Bool 但是很遗憾,Visual C++...

iOS开发如何提高 - 其他 - 清泛IT社区,为创新赋能!


C/C++头文件string与string.h的区别及Mac平台的特殊性 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - ...

C/C++头文件string与string.h的区别及Mac平台的特殊性c_string_hstrlen() 等函数需要string h头文件,不过MacOS下clang编译器比较特殊,必须string,可以用宏区分Mac平台。string.h(C语言头文件,提供字符数组相关C函数) string.h是C语言里面...

jemalloc 接入方法:提高内存使用效率解决内存泄漏 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专...

..._jemallocjemalloc 介绍及编译步骤本文直接略过,仅记录一下C++程序如何接入jemalloc,以及如何确认jemalloc已载入。注:jemalloc是非侵入式的,目标程序无需依赖jemalloc库,只需要在目标 jemalloc 介绍及编译步骤本文直接略过,仅记录...

What should go into an .h file?

...PL. #2 would be possible if export was supported and may be possible using c++0x and extern templates. IMO, header files in c++ lose much of their usefulness. – KitsuneYMG Dec 22 '09 at 12:39 ...

What is the difference between “Include Directories” and “Additional Include Directories”

In configuration properties of my project, under the "VC++ directories" there is an entry for "Include Directories". But under "C/C++" option, there is another entry called "Additional Include Directories". Same thing happens with library directories. ...

Why does string::compare return an int?

...ntegral promotion, so there's no point in returning anything smaller. In C++ (as in C), every expression is either an rvalue or an lvalue. Historically, the terms refer to the fact that lvalues appear on the left of an assignment, where as rvalues can only appear on the right. Today, a simple ap...