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Renew Provisioning Profile

Just got a notice that the provisioning profile for one of my apps is about to expire. Is there some way I can renew the existing one or must I recreate a new one? ...

Python - Get path of root project structure

... This method presumes you run the application from within the path that it exists. Many "users" have an icon they click from a desktop or can run the app from another directory entirely. – DevPlayer Oct 22 '19 at 20:12 ...

WKWebView not loading local files under iOS 8

For previous iOS 8 betas, load a local web app (in Bundle) and it works fine for both UIWebView and WKWebView , and I even ported a web game using the new WKWebView API. ...

AngularJS - Access to child scope

... ... </div> </div> Where in ChildController you have : app.controller('ChildController', ['$scope', '$rootScope', function ($scope, $rootScope) { this.init = function() { $scope.parentCtrl.childCtrl = $scope.childCtrl; $scope.childCtrl.test = 'aaaa'; ...

Migrating from JSF 1.2 to JSF 2.0

I am working with a rather large app written in JSF 1.2 . JSF 1.2 is around 6 years old now. I need to upgrade to JSF 2.0. How painful will this be? I noticed that some attributes in custom tags have been changed etc. ...

JavaScript frameworks to build single page applications [closed]

My goal is to migrate an existing web application to a RESTful single page application (SPA). Currently, I'm evaluating several Javascript web application frameworks. ...

iOS Detection of Screenshot?

The app Snapchat , on the App Store, is an app that lets you share pictures with a self-destruct on them. You can only view the pics for X seconds. If you attempt to take a screenshot while the picture is showing using the home-power key combo, it will tell the sender you tried to take a screenshot...

Programmatically obtain the phone number of the Android phone

...rammatically get the phone number of the device that is running my android app? 17 Answers ...

Is it possible to use Java 8 for Android development?

...er tools if you installed Java 8 JDK, then give it a try, if any problems appears try to set the compiler as 1.6 in Eclipse from window menu → Preferences → Java → Compiler. Java 7 will works too: Java 7 or higher is required if you are targeting Android 5.0 and higher. install mult...

Why do you not use C for your web apps?

...er written in C and you have to make use of it by writing your websites/webapps in C. One clear benefit is speed as the G-WAN site suggests. ...