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How to exit an if clause

... Ideally you can achieve both, but there are times when you must trade good code for good performance. Those times are rare, especially when you are considering using Python. In other words: don't worry so much about function c...

Make .gitignore ignore everything except a few files

...han the root dir won't be found anyway. I'm using this now (with *.pl) and all *.pl files are being ignored even though there are many in the subdirectories below the .gitignore file – PandaWood Nov 6 '11 at 1:44 ...

Automatic Retina images for web sites

... There is a new attribute for the img tag that allows you to add a retina src attribute, namely srcset. No javascript or CSS needed, no double loading of images. <img src="low-res.jpg" srcset="high-res.jpg 2x"> Browser Support: http://caniuse.com/#search=srcset O...

What is the fastest way to compute sin and cos together?

.... If you need strong optimization, perhaps you should use it. Here is a small example: http://home.broadpark.no/~alein/fsincos.html Here is another example (for MSVC): http://www.codeguru.com/forum/showthread.php?t=328669 Here is yet another example (with gcc): http://www.allegro.cc/forums/thread...

How to display a confirmation dialog when clicking an link?

...e the confirm() function in an inline onclick handler. <a href="delete.php?id=22" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure?')">Link</a> Advanced event handling But normally you would like to separate your HTML and Javascript, so I suggest you don't use inline event handlers, but put a c...

How can I find the data structure that represents mine layout of Minesweeper in memory?

...n. I've found this MSDN article on a simple WinDbg command that reveals all the mines but it is old, is not explained in any detail and really isn't what I'm looking for. ...

Send message to specific client with socket.io and node.js

..."I'm the master", function() { // Save the socket id to Redis so that all processes can access it. client.set("mastersocket", socket.id, function(err) { if (err) throw err; console.log("Master socket is now" + socket.id); }); }); socket.on("message to master", function(...

GSON throwing “Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY”?

...pe. You can't just try and cast the result like that and expect it to magically work ;) The User guide for Gson Explains how to deal with this: https://github.com/google/gson/blob/master/UserGuide.md This will work: ChannelSearchEnum[] enums = gson.fromJson(yourJson, ChannelSearchEnum[].class); ...

Is either GET or POST more secure than the other?

...e would be to pass it using Secure HTTP. GET or query string posts are really good for information required for either bookmarking a particular item, or for assisting in search engine optimization and indexing items. POST is good for standard forms used to submit one time data. I wouldn't use G...

how to set textbox value in jquery

... I think you want to set the response of the call to the URL 'compz.php?prodid=' + x + '&qbuys=' + y as value of the textbox right? If so, you have to do something like: $.get('compz.php?prodid=' + x + '&qbuys=' + y, function(data) { $('#subtotal').val(data); }); Reference: get...