大约有 33,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0405秒) [XML]


How do I set a cookie on HttpClient's HttpRequestMessage

I am trying to use the web api's HttpClient to do a post to an endpoint that requires login in the form of an HTTP cookie that identifies an account (this is only something that is #ifdef 'ed out of the release version). ...

Alternative to itoa() for converting integer to string C++? [duplicate]

...Tew : Thanks for your concern, but I guess I'm familiar enough with both C API and C++ API to handle sprintf, and know when (and how) to use it safely, and when NOT to use it at all... :-D – paercebal Sep 7 '11 at 10:52 ...

How can I resize an image using Java?

..., I liked using Scalr. I am curious to know, how did you end up picking an API with all static methods? I had written a similar api which was closer to a builder. Like new ImageScaler(img).resizeTo(...).rotate(...).cropTo(...).toOutputBuffer(). I like your way too and I think it is simpler. ...

Setting HTTP headers

...pectGET() gets fires first) mux.Handle("/watcher/{action}/{device}",Adapt(api.SerialHandler(mux), api.EnableCORS(), api.ExpectGET(), )) share | improve this answer | ...

Node.js spawn child process and get terminal output live

...n asynchronously. I haven't tested this yet, but there are examples in the API docs that go something like this: child = require('child_process').execFile('path/to/script', [ 'arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3', ], { // detachment and ignored stdin are the key here: detached: true, stdio: [ ...

What is the Java equivalent of PHP var_dump?

... commons.apache.org/lang/apidocs/org/apache/commons/lang/builder/…, this (maybe?): commons.apache.org/lang/api-2.5/org/apache/commons/lang/builder/… – Dimitrios Mistriotis Aug 19 '12 at 12:52 ...

支撑Github的开源技术 - 开源 & Github - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...bgit2是一个可移植、纯C语言实现的Git核心方法类库,提供API重新链入Git方法。Github的背后使用的原生的git来实现commit、push等功能,但是使用libgit2来针对桌面应用调用、Ruby代码中调用等; rugged libgit2的Ruby类库; bcrypt-ruby...

Automatically update version number

...elease" Command="c:\nuget\nuget push *.nupkg -Source https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/package" IgnoreExitCode="true" /> c:\nuget\nuget is where I have the NuGet client (remember to save your NuGet API key by calling nuget SetApiKey <my-api-key> or to include the key on the NuGet push call). ...

Refresh Fragment at reload

...ched from its activity and then attached. All can be done using the fluent api in one line: getFragmentManager().beginTransaction().detach(this).attach(this).commit(); Update: This is to incorporate the changes made to API 26 and above: FragmentTransaction transaction = mActivity.getFragmentMana...

iOS app error - Can't add self as subview

...hen there'd be a slight delay before the nav push occurred. If a user was rapidly tapping around, they might end up with two nav pushes from the same view controller, which triggered this very exception. Our solution is a category on the UINavigationController which prevents pushes/pops unless the ...