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What does the Visual Studio “Any CPU” target mean?

...64 platform, then you won't be able to load 32-bit DLL files, because your application wasn't started in WoW64, but those DLL files need to run there. If you compile as x86, then the x64 system will run your application in WoW64, and you'll be able to load 32-bit DLL files. So I think you should c...

how to programmatically fake a touch event to a UIButton?

I'm writing some unit tests and, because of the nature of this particular app, it's important that I get as high up the UI chain as possible. So, what I'd like to do is programmatically trigger a button-press, as if the user had pressed the button in the GUI . ...

How to programmatically take a screenshot on Android?

...s", now); try { // image naming and path to include sd card appending name you choose for file String mPath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString() + "/" + now + ".jpg"; // create bitmap screen capture View v1 = getWindow().getDecorView().getRoo...

Could not locate Gemfile

I'm certainly no Ruby developer but I have an application on my server using Ruby, Gems, and Bundler. I am trying to install another Ruby on under a different user account but on the same VPS. When I go to run ...

Get User's Current Location / Coordinates

...o add NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription and your custom alert message like; AppName(Demo App) would like to use your current location. share | improve this answer | follow ...

Auto-loading lib files in Rails 4

... I think this may solve your problem: in config/application.rb: config.autoload_paths << Rails.root.join('lib') and keep the right naming convention in lib. in lib/foo.rb: class Foo end in lib/foo/bar.rb: class Foo::Bar end if you really wanna do some monkey...

Can I use my existing git repo with openshift?

...ry to explain you the steps involved: As you'd do with git in general, the approach to choose here is to clone your other git repo (ex. on bitbucket) to your local machine: git clone <bitbucket-repo-url> Your local clone has then your other repo (bitbucket etc.) as remote repo. Your remote ...

windows service vs scheduled task

...arate out your processing code into a different component from the console app or Windows Service. Then you have the choice, either to call the worker process from a console application and hook it into Windows Scheduler, or use a Windows Service. You'll find that scheduling a Windows Service isn't...

What does -save-dev mean in npm install grunt --save-dev

... --save-dev: Package will appear in your devDependencies. According to the npm install docs. If someone is planning on downloading and using your module in their program, then they probably don't want or need to download and build the external t...

What's the best way to do “application settings” in Android? [closed]

I'd like to store some application settings (like the URL of an API, and some settings for testing) for an Android application. ...