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Determine whether JSON is a JSONObject or JSONArray

I am going to receive either a JSON Object or Array from server, but I have no idea which it will be. I need to work with the JSON, but to do so, I need to know if it is an Object or an Array. ...

jQuery returning “parsererror” for ajax request

... with a much easier way. Method One You can either remove the dataType: 'json' property from the object literal... Method Two Or you can do what @Sagiv was saying by returning your data as Json. The reason why this parsererror message occurs is that when you simply return a string or another ...

What are the use(s) for tags in Go?

...st of key:"value" pairs, for example: type User struct { Name string `json:"name" xml:"name"` } The key usually denotes the package that the subsequent "value" is for, for example json keys are processed/used by the encoding/json package. If multiple information is to be passed in the "value...

json_encode sparse PHP array as JSON array, not JSON object

...2, but doesn't have 1 as a key. Just having numeric indexes isn't enough. json_encode will only encode your PHP array as a JSON array if your PHP array is sequential - that is, if its keys are 0, 1, 2, 3, ... You can reindex your array sequentially using the array_values function to get the behavi...

JSON.parse vs. eval()

My Spider Sense warns me that using eval() to parse incoming JSON is a bad idea. I'm just wondering if JSON.parse() - which I assume is a part of JavaScript and not a browser-specific function - is more secure. ...

PHP best way to MD5 multi-dimensional array?

...k. md5(serialize($array)); However, it's worth noting that (ironically) json_encode performs noticeably faster: md5(json_encode($array)); In fact, the speed increase is two-fold here as (1) json_encode alone performs faster than serialize, and (2) json_encode produces a smaller string and ther...

How to use cURL to get jSON data and decode the data?

So I have a link that returns a jSON object, and I need to have it decoded and put into variables in PHP. 6 Answers ...

Jquery - How to make $.post() use contentType=application/json?

...rlencoded - when my asp.net mvc code needs to have contentType=application/json 17 Answers ...

JavaScript loop through json array?

I am trying to loop through the following json array: 11 Answers 11 ...

Convert a JSON string to object in Java ME?

... I used a few of them and my favorite is, http://code.google.com/p/json-simple/ The library is very small so it's perfect for J2ME. You can parse JSON into Java object in one line like this, JSONObject json = (JSONObject)new JSONParser().parse("{\"name\":\"MyNode\", \"width\":200, \"heig...