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Does using “new” on a struct allocate it on the heap or stack?

When you create an instance of a class with the new operator, memory gets allocated on the heap. When you create an instance of a struct with the new operator where does the memory get allocated, on the heap or on the stack ? ...

Using ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem in ASP.NET in a high traffic scenario

...s been under the impression that using the ThreadPool for (let's say non-critical) short-lived background tasks was considered best practice, even in ASP.NET, but then I came across this article that seems to suggest otherwise - the argument being that you should leave the ThreadPool to deal with ...

Double Negation in C++

I just came onto a project with a pretty huge code base. 14 Answers 14 ...

Standard way to embed version into python package?

Is there a standard way to associate version string with a python package in such way that I could do the following? 17 Ans...

What programming practice that you once liked have you since changed your mind about? [closed]

...ns that we use and rely on. However, over time, as our understanding, maturity, and even technology usage changes, we come to realize that some practices that we once thought were great are not (or no longer apply). ...

How come an array's address is equal to its value in C?

In the following bit of code, pointer values and pointer addresses differ as expected. 6 Answers ...

How to fix “Headers already sent” error in PHP

...generate_id setcookie / setrawcookie Output can be: Unintentional: Whitespace before <?php or after ?> The UTF-8 Byte Order Mark specifically Previous error messages or notices Intentional: print, echo and other functions producing output Raw <html> sections prior <?php ...

Do subclasses inherit private fields?

... Most of the confusion in the question/answers here surrounds the definition of Inheritance. Obviously, as @DigitalRoss explains an OBJECT of a subclass must contain its superclass's private fields. As he states, having no access to a private member doesn't mean its not there. However. This ...

What is Turing Complete?

...tion: A Turing Complete system means a system in which a program can be written that will find an answer (although with no guarantees regarding runtime or memory). So, if somebody says "my new thing is Turing Complete" that means in principle (although often not in practice) it could be used to so...

Why doesn't RecyclerView have onItemClickListener()?

...yclerView and I was surprised to see that RecyclerView does not have onItemClickListener() . 32 Answers ...