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Tree data structure in C#

... ... // for iterator details see below link } Sample usage: TreeNode<string> root = new TreeNode<string>("root"); { TreeNode<string> node0 = root.AddChild("node0"); TreeNode<string> node1 = root.AddChild("node1"); TreeNode<string> node2 = root.AddChild("n...

What do linkers do?

...0,%rsi 11: 00 00 00 which should move the address of the hello world string into the rsi register, which is passed to the write system call. But wait! How can the compiler possibly know where "Hello world!" will end up in memory when the program is loaded? Well, it can't, specially after we ...

What is the real overhead of try/catch in C#?

...esentation layer, and was often called for 100s of objects. bool HasRight(string rightName, DomainObject obj) { try { CheckRight(rightName, obj); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { return false; } } void CheckRight(string rightName, DomainObject obj) { if (!_user.Rights.Co...

What are the mechanics of short string optimization in libc++?

This answer gives a nice high-level overview of short string optimization (SSO). However, I would like to know in more detail how it works in practice, specifically in the libc++ implementation: ...

How to handle click event in Button Column in Datagridview?

... { //TODO - Button Clicked - Execute Code Here string x=myDataGridView.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[3].Value.ToString(); Form1 myform = new Form1(); myform.rowid= (int)x; myform.Show(); } } ...

Mismatched anonymous define() module

... up if You have an anonymous define ("modules that call define() with no string ID") in its own script tag (I assume actually they mean anywhere in global scope) You have modules that have conflicting names You use loader plugins or anonymous modules but don't use require.js's optimizer to bundle ...

Python ElementTree module: How to ignore the namespace of XML files to locate matching element when

... you can handle multiple namespaces and namespace aliases: from io import StringIO # for Python 2 import from StringIO instead import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET # instead of ET.fromstring(xml) it = ET.iterparse(StringIO(xml)) for _, el in it: prefix, has_namespace, postfix = el.tag.partition...

PHP function to make slug (URL string)

I want to have a function to create slugs from Unicode strings, e.g. gen_slug('Andrés Cortez') should return andres-cortez . How should I do that? ...

Convert any object to a byte[]

...for the .Net platform Binary Serialization XML Serialization: Produces a string which is easily convertible to a byte[] ProtoBuffers share | improve this answer | follow ...

Shorten string without cutting words in JavaScript

I'm not very good with string manipulation in JavaScript, and I was wondering how you would go about shortening a string without cutting any word off. I know how to use substring, but not indexOf or anything really well. ...