大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0159秒) [XML]


How to check an Android device is HDPI screen or MDPI screen?

... Density values described at: developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html – esilver Jan 21 '14 at 21:52 1 ...

Shell脚本编程30分钟入门 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...的功能,所以,也适用于Unix及BSD(如Mac OS)。 Linux Linux默认安装就带了shell解释器。 Mac OS Mac OS不仅带了sh、bash这两个最基础的解释器,还内置了ksh、csh、zsh等不常用的解释器。 Windows上的模拟器 windows出厂时没有内置shell解...

How can I get the current screen orientation?

...onConfigurationChanged() may crash. User will use this code to get current screen orientation. public int getScreenOrientation() { Display getOrient = getActivity().getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay(); int orientation = Configuration.ORIENTATION_UNDEFINED; if(getOrient.getWidth()==g...

jumpserver-华为云免费堡垒机解决方案 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...墙后端请修改 /opt/jumpserver/jumpserver.conf 五、web登录 默认账号密码 admin 5Lov@wife 注: 在使用Jumpserver过程中,有一步是系统用户推送, 要推送成功,Client端(后端服务器)环境要满足以下条件: 1. 后端服务器...

Why is printing to stdout so slow? Can it be sped up?

...can it be that writing to physical disk is WAY faster than writing to the "screen" (presumably an all-RAM op), and is effectively as fast as simply dumping to the garbage with /dev/null? Congratulations, you have just discovered the importance of I/O buffering. :-) The disk appears to be faster, ...

How to write a CSS hack for IE 11? [duplicate]

...evolving thread, I have updated the below: IE 11 (and above..) _:-ms-fullscreen, :root .foo { property:value; } IE 10 and above _:-ms-lang(x), .foo { property:value; } or @media all and (-ms-high-contrast: none), (-ms-high-contrast: active) { .foo{property:value;} } IE 10 only _:-ms-la...

为AppInventor2开发自己的拓展(Extension) - App Inventor 2 拓展 - 清泛IT社区,为创新赋能!

...性→高级系统设置→高级→环境变量新建JAVA_HOME:如果是默认安装路径那么就在这个路径下:C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_171新建Classpath: .;%JAVA_HOME%\lib;%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar在Path后面新增:%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin; 注意:如果之前的...

BugTrap:程序崩溃快照、bug跟踪之利器 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...时所有的进程信息(速度较慢) // BTF_SHOWADVANCEDUI:崩溃后默认显示详细对话框(不设置的话,先显示简单对话框,有查看详细的按钮) // BTF_DESCRIBEERROR:发送报告之前弹出问题描述对话框,让用户输入错误描述信息 BT_SetFlags(BTF_D...

Git 工具 - 子模块(submodule):一个仓库包含另一个仓库 - 开源 & Github -...

...acking objects: 100% (11/11), done. Checking connectivity... done. 默认情况下,子模块会将子项目放到一个与仓库同名的目录中,本例中是 “DbConnector”。 如果你想要放到其他地方,那么可以在命令结尾添加一个不同的路径。 如果...

Error 908: Permission RECEIVE_SMS has been denied. - App Inventor 2 中...

...们选择让现有的SendMessage和MakePhoneCall模块通过Intents启动默认应用程序,这是Google政策推荐的做法,对大多数人应该有效。 对于接收,我们使应用程序只有在满足特定条件时才会获得谷歌Play商店标记为红旗的权限: 对于短信,...