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App Inventor 2数据存储组件之:微数据库,本地存储数据App下次启动可共享...
... 网络,本地一般是数据文件的形式存储在手机上,本地App每次启动都可以共享读取,但是不同的手机之间不可以共享数据;如果需要多个手机之间共享获取或存储数据的话,那就需要用到网络数据库了(云数据库、网络微数据...
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App Inventor 2 实现商业级APP启动屏幕效果(SplashScreen) · App Inventor 2 中文网
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Is there any way to see the file system on the iOS simulator?
... or just killed iOS simulator? I'd settle for being able to see a specific app's files if there's a way to do that.
12 Answ...
Could not change executable permissions on the application
I could solve it erasing an application that I had previously uploaded using the same Bundle Identifier (xcode get's confused doing the chmod). Try checking the log from xCode Organizer (Your device's Name -> Console) you should get information from ...
How to get all registered routes in Express?
I have a web application built using Node.js and Express. Now I would like to list all registered routes with their appropriate methods.
Difference between android.app.Fragment and android.support.v4.app.Fragment
What is the difference between android.app.Fragment and android.support.v4.app.Fragment , and what are the circumstances in which each should be used?
How to link a folder with an existing Heroku app
I have an existing Rails app on GitHub and deployed on Heroku. I'm trying to set up a new development machine and have cloned the project from my GitHub repository. However, I'm confused as to how to link this folder up to Heroku. Originally, I used the heroku create command, but obviously I don't...
What is `mt=8` in iTunes links for the App Store?
Does anyone know the significance of the mt parameter in App Store Links?
8 Answers
How do I migrate a model out of one django app and into a new one?
I have a django app with four models in it. I realize now that one of these models should be in a separate app. I do have south installed for migrations, but I don't think this is something it can handle automatically. How can I migrate one of the models out of the old app into a new one?