大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0381秒) [XML]


How can I make a button redirect my page to another page? [duplicate]

... try <button onclick="window.location.href='b.php'">Click me</button> share | improve this answer | follow | ...

How to log in to phpMyAdmin with WAMP, what is the username and password?

What does the word "root" mean in phpMyAdmin ? 6 Answers 6 ...

XunSearch(讯搜)的使用教程步骤 - 开源 & Github - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...款很不错的中文全文检索工具使用xunsearch快速构建自己的PHP全文搜索引擎。需要注意的是XunSearch只能在Linux和Unix下运行。 XunSearch(官网)是一款很不错的中文全文检索工具使用xunsearch快速构建自己的PHP全文搜索引擎。 需要注意...

手把手教你用Strace诊断问题 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...CPU 排序。 在本例中大家很容易发现 CPU 主要是被若干个 PHP 进程占用了,同时 PHP 进程占用的比较多的内存,不过系统内存尚有结余,SWAP 也不严重,这并不是问题主因。 不过在 CPU 列表中能看到 CPU 主要消耗在内核态「sy」,...

-bash: phpize: command not found - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

-bash: phpize: command not foundphpize是属于php-devel的内容,因此在centos中只要运行如下命令:yum install php-develphpize是属于php-devel的内容,因此在centos中只要运行如下命令: yum install php-devel phpize

优惠券批量生成及导入的思路 - 闲聊区 - 清泛IT论坛,有思想、有深度

...产生2个36进制随机数拼接起来,取前面的部分即可。一段PHP代码如下:<?php function gen_coupon() {     do {         $m = mt_rand(0, PHP_INT_MAX);         $n = mt_rand(0, PHP_INT_MAX);    &nbs...

【解决】Linux:Call to undefined function curl_init() - 更多技术 - 清...

【解决】Linux:Call to undefined function curl_init() php_curl 安装curlsudo apt-get install php-curl 重启web服务器,搞定apachectl restart #安装curl sudo apt-get install php-curl #重启web服务器,搞定 apachectl restart linux php curl

How do I set bold and italic on UILabel of iPhone/iPad?

...ica-BoldOblique. See the UIFont documentation here iphonedevwiki.net/index.php/UIFont – sudip Feb 14 '13 at 9:54 1 ...

How to remove .html from URL?

...overflow.com/a/9204355/3217306 Update: I was slightly mistaken, . matches all characters except newlines, so includes whitespace. Also, here is a helpful regex cheat sheet Sources: http://community.sitepoint.com/t/what-does-this-mean-rewritecond-request-filename-f-d/2034/2 https://mediatemple.ne...

wkhtmltopdf: cannot connect to X server

...have tried lot of other resolution but none of them worked. As i am new to php/Laravel environment so i have no deep knowledge of these libraries & dependencies, but this solution is awesome simply saved my hours :) – Amit Sep 23 '16 at 7:15 ...