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科大讯飞徐景明:从语音交互到人工智能 - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...的填空题、问答题、作文等主观题,由机器改卷都将不成问题。 这两年,中国经济进入“新常态”,科大讯飞的增速不但没有降低,反而实现逆势的高速增长。2015年前三季度,科大讯飞的营业收入达16.7亿元,同比增长51.5%;净...

How to secure database passwords in PHP?

When a PHP application makes a database connection it of course generally needs to pass a login and password. If I'm using a single, minimum-permission login for my application, then the PHP needs to know that login and password somewhere. What is the best way to secure that password? It seems like ...

PHP YAML Parsers [closed]

Does anyone know of a good YAML Parser for PHP? If so, what are the pros and cons of this library? 8 Answers ...

Laravel Controller Subfolder routing

... For Laravel 5.3 above: php artisan make:controller test/TestController This will create the test folder if it does not exist, then creates TestController inside. TestController will look like this: <?php namespace App\Http\Controllers\test;...

Executing injected by innerHTML after AJAX call

...ter fetching some content: $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: 'response.php', timeout: 2000, success: function(data) { $("#content").html(data); myFunction(); }, error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert("error retrieving content"); } ...

Difference between if () { } and if () : endif;

...n my .phtml files (Zend Framework) I will write something like this: <?php if($this->value): ?> Hello <?php elseif($this->asd): ?> Your name is: <?= $this->name ?> <?php else: ?> You don't have a name. <?php endif; ?> ...

What is an .inc and why use it?

I often see examples in PHP that include.inc files. What is the meaning of .inc? What it is used for? What are the disadvantages and advantages of using it? ...

How do I use PHP to get the current year?

...ar to be out-of-date. How would I make the year update automatically with PHP 4 and PHP 5 ? 25 Answers ...

How to display Base64 images in HTML?

... If you have PHP on the back-end, you can use this code: $image = 'http://images.itracki.com/2011/06/favicon.png'; // Read image path, convert to base64 encoding $imageData = base64_encode(file_get_contents($image)); // Format the image...

MySQL connection not working: 2002 No such file or directory

...ause you are using (LAMPP) XAMPP and it isn't in /tmp/mysql.sock Open the php.ini file and find this line: mysql.default_socket And make it mysql.default_socket = /path/to/mysql.sock share | i...