大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0507秒) [XML]


Why is SQL Server 2008 Management Studio Intellisense not working?

...en to insanity trying to figure out why Intellisense just fails to work at all. The server I'm using is local and is 2008, the database is set to 2008 compatibility, Intellisense is on in every menu I can find, and yet no member list will pop up even with a CTRL-J. ...

sys.argv[1] meaning in script

...more tutorial level. For every invocation of Python, sys.argv is automatically a list of strings representing the arguments (as separated by spaces) on the command-line. The name comes from the C programming convention in which argv and argc represent the command line arguments. You'll want to lea...

How do I print a list of “Build Settings” in Xcode project?


Python threading.timer - repeat function every 'n' seconds

... not self.stopped.wait(0.5): print("my thread") # call a function In the code that started the timer, you can then set the stopped event to stop the timer. stopFlag = Event() thread = MyThread(stopFlag) thread.start() # this will stop the timer stopFlag.set() ...

how to get the current working directory's absolute path from irb

...ing Ruby on Windows though I don't know if that should make a difference. All I want to do is get the current working directory's absolute path. Is this possible from irb? Apparently from a script it's possible using File.expand_path(__FILE__) ...

Is inline assembly language slower than native C++ code?

... Yes, most times. First of all you start from wrong assumption that a low-level language (assembly in this case) will always produce faster code than high-level language (C++ and C in this case). It's not true. Is C code always faster than Java code? N...

Weak and strong property setter attributes in Objective-C

...g' part (casting from NS to CF) is a little tricky. You still have to manually manage CFRelease() and CFRetain() for CF objects. When you convert them back to NS objects you have to tell the compiler about the retain count so it knows what you have done. Its all here. ...

Draw text in OpenGL ES

I'm currently developing a small OpenGL game for the Android platform and I wonder if there's an easy way to render text on top of the rendered frame (like a HUD with the player´s score etc). The text would need to use a custom font also. ...

How can you determine a point is between two other points on a line segment?

Let's say you have a two dimensional plane with 2 points (called a and b) on it represented by an x integer and a y integer for each point. ...

What algorithm does Readability use for extracting text from URLs?

... the "relevant" text from a URL by eliminating the text related to ads and all the other clutter.After several months of researching, I gave it up as a problem that cannot be accurately determined. (I've tried different ways but none were reliable) ...