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Swift: #warning equivalent

...builds clean in production, but I get a warning in development that essentially reminds me I'm in dev mode - using different URLs, timeouts, other settings etc. Arie's suggestion above lets me do this, your technique just flags everything. That said, this technique has its use for sure so I up voted...

Does C# have extension properties?

....0 have seen this as proposal champion but it wasn't released yet, most of all because even if there is already an implementation, they want to make it right from the start. But it will ... There is an extension members item in the C# 7 work list so it may be supported in the near future. The curr...

How to drop all tables in a SQL Server database?

...y tables. I found that code that works and does everything you try (delete all tables from your database): DECLARE @Sql NVARCHAR(500) DECLARE @Cursor CURSOR SET @Cursor = CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT DISTINCT sql = 'ALTER TABLE [' + tc2.TABLE_SCHEMA + '].[' + tc2.TABLE_NAME + '] DROP [' + rc1.C...

Extracting text OpenCV

... For some cards the bounding box does not enclose all of the text, such as half a letter getting cut off. Such as this card: i.imgur.com/tX3XrwH.jpg How can I extend every bounding bounding boxes height and width by n? Thanks for the solution it works great! ...

How are GCC and g++ bootstrapped?

...ilt (optional) repeat step 2 for verification purposes. This process is called bootstrapping. It tests the compiler's capability of compiling itself and makes sure that the resulting compiler is built with all the optimizations that it itself implements. EDIT: Drew Dormann, in the comments, point...

Is it expensive to use try-catch blocks even if an exception is never thrown?

... try has almost no expense at all. Instead of doing the work of setting up the try at runtime, the code's metadata is structured at compile time such that when an exception is thrown, it now does a relatively expensive operation of walking up the stack an...

Checking for empty queryset in Django

...if not my_objects: to demonstrate that this is how they do it in the docs. All else is utterly irrelevant so I do not get your point. They could as well make a thousand queries and it would still be totally irrelevant as this is not the point of this answer, with which I make clear that I agree. ...

What is the difference between public, protected, package-private and private in Java?

...e MyClass and I'm doing AnotherClass extends MyClass I will have access to all protected and public methods and properties from within AnotherClass. If I do MyClass myClass = new MyClass(); in AnotherClass somewhere - let's say the constructor - I will only have access to the public methods if it is...

What is the simplest way to convert a Java string from all caps (words separated by underscores) to

The title pretty much says it all. What's the simplest/most elegant way that I can convert, in Java, a string from the format "THIS_IS_AN_EXAMPLE_STRING" to the format " ThisIsAnExampleString "? I figure there must be at least one way to do it using String.replaceAll() and a regex. ...

Static class initializer in PHP

I have an helper class with some static functions. All the functions in the class require a ‘heavy’ initialization function to run once (as if it were a constructor). ...