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How are echo and print different in PHP? [duplicate]

... From: http://web.archive.org/web/20090221144611/http://faqts.com/knowledge_base/view.phtml/aid/1/fid/40 Speed. There is a difference between the two, but speed-wise it should be irrelevant which one you use. echo is marginally faster ...

How to get JS variable to retain value after page refresh? [duplicate]

...age survives past browser restarts. The persistence applies to the entire web site not just a single page of it. When you need to set a variable that should be reflected in the next page(s), use: var someVarName = "value"; localStorage.setItem("someVarKey", someVarName); And in any page (like w...

Getting the last element of a split string array

... @GraceShao: yep. developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/… – aymericbeaumet Jan 23 '15 at 16:59 ...

What is the list of possible values for navigator.platform as of today? [closed]

...evices can be platforms too. The interpretation As with everything on the web, our fate is in the hands of the mighty browser vendors. In this case, all the major browsers (IE, Safari, Firefox and Chrome) agree that my 64-bit Windows machine is a `Win32` platform. This means they're sticking to the...

Chrome Extension - Get DOM content

...tent scripts are the only component of an extension that has access to the web-page's DOM. Background page / Popup: Maybe (probably max. 1 of the two) You may need to have the content script pass the DOM content to either a background page or the popup for further processing. Let me repeat that ...

How do I add PHP code/file to HTML(.html) files?

...ou tell it to. To do this you need to create a .htaccess file in your root web directory and add this line to it: AddType application/x-httpd-php .htm .html This will tell Apache to process files with a .htm or .html file extension as PHP files. ...

Merging objects (associative arrays)

...'s something you need to be aware of. See developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/… – kulpae Jul 12 '19 at 9:52 add a comment  |  ...

How do I send a cross-domain POST request via JavaScript?

...se a global namespace for the entire browser, so pick a name that no other website will use.) Construct a form with hidden inputs, targeting the iframe. Submit the form. Here's sample code; I tested it on IE6, IE7, IE8, IE9, FF4, GC11, S5. function crossDomainPost() { // Add the iframe with a u...

How useful/important is REST HATEOAS ( maturity level 3)?

...aped Amazon automated client. Someone who has likely painstakingly sniffed web traffic, read HTML pages, etc. to find what links to call when and with what payloads. And as soon as Amazon changed their internal processes and URL structure, those hard coded clients failed -- because the links broke....

Git, fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

... @shivam13juna nothing is ever deleted from the internet: :) web.archive.org/web/20170119225336/http://github.com/gitlabhq/… – Roman M Feb 17 '19 at 9:06 ...