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Printing object properties in Powershell

... Ugh! It still displays horizontally on the screen.... if any output goes outside your buffer it just puts .... I have a love hate with POSH – Kolob Canyon Jun 29 '17 at 22:50 ...

How to push to a non-bare Git repository?

I usually work on a remote server via ssh (screen and vim), where I have a Git repository. Sometimes I'm not online, so I have a separate repository (cloned from my remote) on my laptop. ...

ITunes review URL and iOS 7 (ask user to rate our app) AppStore show a blank page

... This gives an blank screen on my iOS7 devices (using Xcode 5), this was the URL I am still using for iOS6. For iOS 7 I am using the one detailed in my answer. Strange that it is working for you. – Frank Sep...

How do you count the lines of code in a Visual Studio solution?

...nable regular expressions box. Then in the find results, in the end of the screen are the number of files searched and lines of code found. You can use [^\n\s]\r\n to skip blank and space-only lines (credits to Zach in the comments). ...

Eclipse hangs on loading workbench

...t http://off-topic.biz/en/eclipse-hangs-at-startup-showing-only-the-splash-screen/ worked for me: cd .metadata/.plugins mv org.eclipse.core.resources org.eclipse.core.resources.bak Start eclipse. (It should show an error message or an empty workspace because no project is found.) Close all open ed...

How to format an inline code in Confluence?

...y color. From Confluence manual: Choose the cog icon at top right of the screen, then choose Confluence Admin. Choose Stylesheet. Choose Edit. Paste your custom CSS into the text field. Choose Save. Custom CSS for displaying grey background in monospaced blocks: code { padding: 1px 5px 1px...

CSS: Set a background color which is 50% of the width of the window

....net/PLfLW/1704/ The solution uses an extra fixed div that fills half the screen. Since it's fixed, it will remain in position even when your users scroll. You may have to fiddle with some z-indexes later, to make sure your other elements are above the background div, but it shouldn't be too comple...

LogCat message: The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration

...if i run same app into physical android device then it is displaying blank screen – Bharti Ladumor Jun 7 '19 at 9:31 T...

How to center icon and text in a android button with width set to “fill parent”

...How do you manage the fact that your width is dynamic ? If you rotate your screen, all your icons won't be centered right ? I'm facing this issue actually – Jacks Nov 28 '18 at 13:17 ...

Get element at specified position - JavaScript

...e x and y coordinates) and returns the html element at the position on the screen represented by the parameters. 2 Answers ...