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What are deferred objects?

...eferred object is resolved or rejected. Deferred In Action: $.get("test.php").done( function(){ alert("$.get succeeded"); } ); $.get("test.php") .done(function(){ alert("$.get succeeded"); }) .fail(function(){ alert("$.get failed!"); }); And it seems that the existing ajax() method ...

How to pop an alert message box using PHP?

How to pop an alert message box using PHP? 8 Answers 8 ...

How to check if an email address exists without sending an email?

I have come across this PHP code to check email address using SMTP without sending an email . 14 Answers ...

HTML input - name vs. id [duplicate]

... & checkboxes Can not be referenced in URL, although as JavaScript and PHP can see the URL there are workarounds Is referenced in JS with getElementsByName() Shares the same namespace as the id attribute Must begin with a letter According to specs is case sensitive, but most modern browsers don'...

PHP 5 disable strict standards error

I need to setup my PHP script at the top to disable error reporting for strict standards. 7 Answers ...

Is there a way to stop Google Analytics counting development work as hits?

...ENAME=COOKIEVALUE") === -1) { // Insert Analytics Code Here } } PHP if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']==="mydomain.com" || $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']==="www.mydomain.com") { if (@$_COOKIE["COOKIENAME"] !== "COOKIEVALUE") { // Insert Analytics Code Here } } Verifying that the HOST name eq...

PHP学习必看的一些书 - IT书籍推荐 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

PHP学习必看的一些书对应初学的PHP,应该买什么样的书?到处问人,到处求助? 该文章列举了一些书籍,感觉还行,特此重新整理了一下。觉得有些言过其实了,或...对应初学的PHP,应该买什么样的书?到处问人,到处求助? ...

PHP 安装 ZIP 扩展 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

PHP 安装 ZIP 扩展php_zip_extension一、安装libzipcd usr local srcwget https: libzip org download libzip-1 3 2 tar gztar zxf libzip-1 3 2 tar gzcd libzip-1 3 2 configuremake && make install如 一、安装libzip cd /usr/local/src wget https://libzip.org/download/libzip-1.3.2.tar.gz ...

与复制构造函数相关的错误.例如:0x77D9FCAA (ntdll.dll) (prog31.exe 中)处...

...坏。 (参数: 0x77DC6668)这种错误可能就是与内存有关的释放问题。这里的错误示例代码主要是为了说明复制构造函数,尤其是含有指针类型或者有成员表示在构造函数中分...这种错误可能就是与内存有关的释放问题。这里的错误示...

Facebook Post Link Image

...TML is valid - and the same goes for your javascript and server-side code (PHP, ASP, etc.). I had a small PHP error in a piece of code that was executing as a separate call to the server from the main page. Due to a number of bizarre coincidences, that code was generating a 500 error - but ONLY for ...