大约有 7,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0316秒) [XML]


Using SSH keys inside docker container

...sh-server \ libmysqlclient-dev # Authorize SSH Host RUN mkdir -p /root/.ssh && \ chmod 0700 /root/.ssh && \ ssh-keyscan github.com > /root/.ssh/known_hosts # Add the keys and set permissions RUN echo "$ssh_prv_key" > /root/.ssh/id_rsa && \ echo "$s...

Linux的诞生和发展 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...自己的操作系统,到最初Linux 内核0.01 版公布,以及从此如何艰难地一步一个脚印地在全世界hacker 的帮助下最后推出比较完善的1.0 版本这段时间的发展经过,也即对Linux 的早期发展历史进行详细介绍。   对于Linux的一般发...

How to change context root of a dynamic web project in Eclipse?

...In your project's Properties, choose Web Project Settings. Change Context root to app. Choose Window > Show View > Servers. Stop the server by either clicking the red square box ("Stop the server" tooltip) or context-click on the server listing to choose "Stop". On the server you want to ...

“[notice] child pid XXXX exit signal Segmentation fault (11)” in apache error.log [closed]

I am using Apache/PHP/MySQL stack. Using as framework CakePHP. 3 Answers 3 ...

How to pretty print XML from the command line?

... libxml2-utils This utility comes with libxml2-utils: echo '<root><foo a="b">lorem</foo><bar value="ipsum" /></root>' | xmllint --format - Perl's XML::Twig This command comes with XML::Twig perl module, sometimes xml-twig-tools package: echo '<root...

Add a column to existing table and uniquely number them on MS SQL Server

... It would help if you posted what SQL database you're using. For MySQL you probably want auto_increment: ALTER TABLE tableName ADD id MEDIUMINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT KEY Not sure if this applies the values retroactively though. If it doesn't you should just be able to iterate over you...

How to implement a tree data-structure in Java? [closed]

... Here: public class Tree<T> { private Node<T> root; public Tree(T rootData) { root = new Node<T>(); root.data = rootData; root.children = new ArrayList<Node<T>>(); } public static class Node<T> { priva...

Get root view from current activity

I know how to get the root view with View.getRootView() . I am also able to get the view from a button's onClick event where the argument is a View . But how can I get the view in an activity ? ...

What is Full Text Search vs LIKE

... MySQL creates an index from the words of the enabled full-text search column and performs searches on this index. MySQL uses a sophisticated algorithm to determine the rows matched against the search query. Also, from this S...

Is there a REAL performance difference between INT and VARCHAR primary keys?

...e performance difference between using INT vs. VARCHAR as a primary key in MySQL? I'd like to use VARCHAR as the primary key for reference lists (think US States, Country Codes) and a coworker won't budge on the INT AUTO_INCREMENT as a primary key for all tables. ...