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MySQL, update multiple tables with one query

...ookID is very important, without it The Books table update would happen to all rows and not only for the row with the specified id. Some lessons are learned the hard way, this one was learned in the terrifing way. – nheimann1 Mar 24 '15 at 15:06 ...

Get Image size WITHOUT loading image into memory

... As the comments allude, PIL does not load the image into memory when calling .open. Looking at the docs of PIL 1.1.7, the docstring for .open says: def open(fp, mode="r"): "Open an image file, without loading the raster data" There ar...

Simplest/Cleanest way to implement singleton in JavaScript?

... return { // public interface publicMethod1: function () { // all private members are accessible here }, publicMethod2: function () { } }; })(); This has been called the module pattern, it basically allows you to encapsulate private members on an object, by taking advant...

The relationship could not be changed because one or more of the foreign-key properties is non-nulla

... You should delete old child items thisParent.ChildItems one by one manually. Entity Framework doesn't do that for you. It finally cannot decide what you want to do with the old child items - if you want to throw them away or if you want to keep and assign them to other parent entities. You must ...

What is a singleton in C#?

... A singleton is a class which only allows one instance of itself to be created - and gives simple, easy access to said instance. The singleton premise is a pattern across software development. There is a C# implementation "Implementing the Singleton Pattern i...

powershell - extract file name and extension

... Any particular infoyou're after? Just pipe a file to Get-Member to reveal all of it;s members or browse to MSDN to find the official help. – Shay Levy Mar 13 '13 at 7:49 add ...

Random String Generator Returning Same String [duplicate]

...om instance in the method, which causes it to return the same values when called in quick succession. I would do something like this: private static Random random = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);//thanks to McAden private string RandomString(int size) { StringBuilder builder = new...

How to detect a Christmas Tree? [closed]

... can be broken down into about 3 steps. First I apply a threshold (or actually, the logical "or" of two separate and distinct thresholds). As with many of the other answers, I assumed that the Christmas tree would be one of the brighter objects in the scene, so the first threshold is just a simple...

Prevent direct access to a php include file

...eople the trouble of Googling, if you're using Apache, put this in a file called ".htaccess" in the directory you don't want to be accessible: Deny from all If you actually have full control of the server (more common these days even for little apps than when I first wrote this answer), the best ...

See changes to a specific file using git

...s, but, as far as I understood, it is directory based. This means it gives all the changes of all files on the current directory. ...