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How to add an integer to each element in a list?
...ition, but if you have a more complex function that you needed to apply to all the elements then map may be a good fit.
In your example it would be:
>>> map(lambda x:x+1, [1,2,3])
How can I view all the git repositories on my machine?
Is there a way in which I can see all the git repositories that exist on my machine? Any command for that?
10 Answers
In MySQL, can I copy one row to insert into the same table?
...an existing row in the table) but I want to do this without having to list all the columns after the "select", because this table has too many columns.
Why does Windows64 use a different calling convention from all other OSes on x86-64?
AMD has an ABI specification that describes the calling convention to use on x86-64. All OSes follow it, except for Windows which has it's own x86-64 calling convention. Why?
What does FETCH_HEAD in Git mean?
...it like doing git fetch without arguments (or git remote update), updating all your remote branches, then running git merge origin/<branch>, but using FETCH_HEAD internally instead to refer to whatever single ref was fetched, instead of needing to name things.
Encoding an image file with base64
... here is an update after you have edited your original question.
First of all, remember to use raw strings (prefix the string with 'r') when using path delimiters on Windows, to prevent accidentally hitting an escape character. Second, PIL's Image.open either accepts a filename, or a file-like (tha...
Injecting a mock into an AngularJS service
If you have the following service with a dependency that has a method called getSomething:
angular.module('myModule', [])
.factory('myService', function (myDependency) {
return {
useDependency: function () {
return myDependency.getSomething();
Counting inversions in an array
...m to do the following: Given array A[1... n] , for every i < j , find all inversion pairs such that A[i] > A[j] . I'm using merge sort and copying array A to array B and then comparing the two arrays, but I'm having a difficult time seeing how I can use this to find the number of inversions...
C# operator overload for `+=`?
...nguage has its own operators list, which are compiled in a special method calls, and CLR itself doesn't know anything about operators. So let's see what exactly stays behind the + and += operators.
See this simple code:
Decimal d = 10M;
d = d + 10M;
Let view the IL-code for...
How to pick just one item from a generator?
... would use the second syntax given in my answer, next(g). This will internally call g.__next__(), but you don't really have to worry about that, just as you usually don't care that len(a) internally calls a.__len__().
– Sven Marnach
Apr 10 '14 at 10:31