大约有 16,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0255秒) [XML]


node.js shell command execution

...an'], function (me, buffer){me.stdout+=buffer.toString();} ); so that we convert our buffer into a string and append that string to our stdout variable. Third is that you can only know you've received all output when you get the 'end' event, which means we need another listener and callback: fun...

Should I use multiplication or division?

... Python: time python -c 'for i in xrange(int(1e8)): t=12341234234.234 / 2.0' real 0m26.676s user 0m25.154s sys 0m0.076s time python -c 'for i in xrange(int(1e8)): t=12341234234.234 * 0.5' real 0m17.932s user 0m16.481s sys 0m0.048s multiplicati...

Enable 'xp_cmdshell' SQL Server

...an also avoid unnecessary reconfigure calls: declare @prevAdvancedOptions int declare @prevXpCmdshell int select @prevAdvancedOptions = cast(value_in_use as int) from sys.configurations where name = 'show advanced options' select @prevXpCmdshell = cast(value_in_use as int) from sys.configurations ...

Getting realtime output using subprocess

... @Dave For future ref: print utf-8 lines in py2+ with print(line.decode('utf-8').rstrip()). – Jonathan Komar Jun 20 '16 at 16:05 ...

Linux进程与线程总结 [推荐] - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...程编程的基本方法及同步机制,还介绍了进程间通信IPC(InterProcess Communication)的几种方式。并通过一定的实例介绍相关技术在实际中的运用情况,使读者能够对Linux环境下进程与线程编程在整体上有一定的把握。 关键字:Linux...

Read/write files within a Linux kernel module

...pening a file (similar to open): struct file *file_open(const char *path, int flags, int rights) { struct file *filp = NULL; mm_segment_t oldfs; int err = 0; oldfs = get_fs(); set_fs(get_ds()); filp = filp_open(path, flags, rights); set_fs(oldfs); if (IS_ERR(filp))...

input() error - NameError: name '…' is not defined

...ike this input_variable = raw_input("Enter your name: ") If you need to convert the result to some other type, then you can use appropriate functions to convert the string returned by raw_input. For example, to read inputs as integers, use the int function, like shown in this answer. In python 3...

filename and line number of python script

...rt currentframe, getframeinfo frameinfo = getframeinfo(currentframe()) print(frameinfo.filename, frameinfo.lineno) share | improve this answer | follow | ...

How do you normalize a file path in Bash?

...also has a problem if $CDPATH is defined; because the "cd foo" will switch into any "foo" directory that is a subdirectory of $CDPATH, not just a "foo" that's in the current directory. I think you need to do something like: CDPATH="" cd "${dirToNormalize}" && pwd -P. – ...

Select columns from result set of stored procedure

... Can you split up the query? Insert the stored proc results into a table variable or a temp table. Then, select the 2 columns from the table variable. Declare @tablevar table(col1 col1Type,.. insert into @tablevar(col1,..) exec MyStoredProc 'param1', 'param2' SELECT col1, col2 FROM ...