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How do I make python wait for a pressed key?
In Python 3 use input():
input("Press Enter to continue...")
In Python 2 use raw_input():
raw_input("Press Enter to continue...")
This only waits for the user to press enter though.
One might want to use msvcrt ((Win...
Bash: infinite sleep (infinite blocking)
...> pause.c;
diet -Os cc pause.c -o pause;
strip -s pause;
ls -al pause
If you do not want to compile something yourself, but you have python installed, you can use this under Linux:
python -c 'while 1: import ctypes; ctypes.CDLL(None).pause()'
(Note: Use exec python -c ... to replace ...
NodeJS - Error installing with NPM
...ith the error:
gyp ERR! configure error
gyp ERR! stack Error: Can't find Python executable "python", you can set the PYTHON env variable.
Here is what I was doing and what finally worked.
Disclaimer: I am just getting my hands into Node, Angular after many years in the Java, Linux world among o...
How to list all users in a Linux group?
Use Python to list groupmembers:
python -c "import grp; print grp.getgrnam('GROUP_NAME')[3]"
See https://docs.python.org/2/library/grp.html
Command line CSV viewer? [closed]
Csvkit is platform independent because it is written in Python.
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What is the most compatible way to install python modules on a Mac?
I'm starting to learn python and loving it. I work on a Mac mainly as well as Linux. I'm finding that on Linux (Ubuntu 9.04 mostly) when I install a python module using apt-get it works fine. I can import it with no trouble.
How to get the PATH environment-variable separator in Python?
...aracter. For Windows it's ';' , for Linux it's ':' . Is there a way in Python to get which character to split on?
5 Ans...
Strengths of Shell Scripting compared to Python [closed]
...(bash) scripting few times but was driven away by the syntax. Then I found Python and was able to do most of the things a shell script can do in Python. I am now not sure whether I should invest my time in learning shell scripting anymore. So I want to ask:
Win10正式版官方原版ISO镜像下载大全(64位&32位) - 软件下载 - 清泛网 - ...
Win10正式版官方原版ISO镜像下载大全(64位&32位)Win10 官方原版 正式版【64位简体中文家庭 专业版】 文件名:cn_windows_10_multiple_editions_x64_dvd_6848463.iso 体积:4.01GB SHA1:C71D49A6...【64位简体中文家庭/专业版】
解决Scrapy警告:You do not have a working installation of the service_i...
pip install service_identity-17.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl