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How to set .net Framework 4.5 version in IIS 7 application pool

...n methods I had created under the VS 11 Developer preview started hanging (apparently this issue: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/pfxteam/archive/2012/03/03/10277166.aspx ). ...

Why are uses constraints violated when both chains end in the same bundle?

... You don't have to import foo.fragment in app your dependency will resolve from foo. so just remove that dependency and re-deploy that. This issue is because of cyclic dependency. share ...

How to auto-generate a C# class file from a JSON string [closed]

...t; paste JSON as class. Use the free jsonclassgenerator.exe The web tool app.quicktype.io does not require installing anything. The web tool json2csharp also does not require installing anything. Pros and Cons: jsonclassgenerator converts to PascalCase but the others do not. app.quicktype.io ...

MFC AfxMessageBox改变标题的几种方法 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

MFC AfxMessageBox改变标题的几种方法1、资源文件AFX_IDS_APP_TITLE:其实这个标题,也就是我们的默认的工程名,我们应该怎么在不改变工程名的基础上改变标题呢?其实这个标题在...1、资源文件AFX_IDS_APP_TITLE(推荐): AfxMessageBox的...

淘宝新美大滴滴霸占衣食行 为何唯独“住”缺独角兽 - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注...

...金,吸引社会车辆注册并进入到供求曲线当中,然后通过App这一移动互联网工具,链接乘客和Uber司机,提升整个出行服务的效率和品质。 所以,在我们看来,互联网经济的基础,首先需要丰裕乃至过剩的供给或者需求(不论是...

解决IIS发布时global_asax的dll 的CS0433冲突问题 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - ...

...决IIS发布时global_asax的dll 的CS0433冲突问题Server Error in ' ' Application.Compilation ErrorDescription:An error occurred during the compilation of a re...Server Error in '/' Application. Compilation ErrorDescription: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to s...

解决IIS发布时global_asax的dll 的CS0433冲突问题 - 环境配置 - 清泛IT社区,为创新赋能!

Server Error in '/' Application.Compilation ErrorDescription: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately. Compiler Error Message: CS0433: The type 'ASP.globa...

Linux C/C++进程单实例互斥代码分享 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...tl.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <unistd.h> #define kPidFileName "app.pid" bool enter_app_singleton() { int fd = open(kPidFileName, O_RDWR | O_TRUNC); if (fd == -1) { //对应的锁文件当前不存在,试图创建该锁文件 fd = creat(kPidFileName, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP...

How to install psycopg2 with “pip” on Python?

... @I159 - The *-dev packages contain the files necessary to compile an application from source that uses the functions provided by the library (as psycopg2 uses the libpq and python libraries, among others). – joar Dec 19 '11 at 9:17 ...

unsigned APK can not be installed

I am trying to distribute my application to some people for testing. I have installed it on my Desire directly from eclipse and it works fine. ...