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Tool for comparing 2 binary files in Windows [closed]

... diff, designed for large files) WinDiff bsdiff HexCmp See also: https://web.archive.org/web/20151122151611/https://stackoverflow.com/questions/688504/binary-diff-tool-for-very-large-files share | ...

Why use Ruby instead of Smalltalk? [closed]

...ce until the mid 1990s. Unfortunately this coincided with the rise of the Web as a platform and a large marketing push behind Java. Java grabbed most of the mindshare in the latter part of the 1990s, rendering Smalltalk a bit of an also-ran. Ruby and Python work in a more conventional toolchain an...

Maximum on http header values?

... No, HTTP does not define any limit. However most web servers do limit size of headers they accept. For example in Apache default limit is 8KB, in IIS it's 16K. Server will return 413 Entity Too Large error if headers size exceeds that limit. Related question: How big can ...

How do I find the PublicKeyToken for a particular dll?

I need to recreate a provider in my web.config file that looks something like this: 10 Answers ...

File Upload ASP.NET MVC 3.0

... MB) you'll want to set <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="x" /> in your web.config, where x is the number of KB allowed for upload. – rsbarro May 22 '11 at 20:33 86 ...

REST API Best practices: Where to put parameters? [closed]

...tify the resource. This was clarified in RFC 3986 http://labs.apache.org/webarch/uri/rfc/rfc3986.html#query – Darrel Miller Oct 26 '10 at 17:30 ...

How to color the Git console?

... For example see https://web.archive.org/web/20080506194329/http://www.arthurkoziel.com/2008/05/02/git-configuration/ The interesting part is Colorized output: git config --global color.branch auto git config --global color.diff auto git config...

Using an ORM or plain SQL? [closed]

...quest, get some objects, traverse them to get some data and render it on a Web page, the performance tax is small, and in many cases ORM can be faster because it will cache objects it's seen before, that otherwise would have queried the database multiple times. For applications that are reporting-h...

How can I kill a process by name instead of PID?

... pkill -U <username> is quite handy. I have a Solaris web server, the actual web server daemon, is setup as a Service with it's own user. So specifying by user is a simple / easy way to trigger a restart. – Raystorm Feb 10 '15 at 20:09 ...

What is the advantage to using bloom filters?

...es. This 1.13 MB bloom filter, due to its small size, can be stored in the web browser itself !! Thus when a user comes along and enters a URL, we simply apply the required hash functions (in the browser itself), and check all the positions in the bloom filter (which is stored in the browser). A val...