大约有 19,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0366秒) [XML]


selecting unique values from a column

I have a MySQL table which contains the following type of information: 9 Answers 9 ...

How do I get the current date and time in PHP?

...tetime; $now = new DateTime(); echo $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // MySQL datetime format echo $now->getTimestamp(); // Unix Timestamp -- Since PHP 5.3 And to specify the timezone: $now = new DateTime(null, new DateTimeZone('America/New_York')); $now->setTimezone(new DateTi...

Get the current script file name

...heir own impotence, But you can safe your url using different filers, like mysql_real_escape_string, stripslashes etc.. – Khandad Niazi Jan 29 '14 at 15:43 ...

How to count total number of watches on a page?

...ange body to html or wherever you put your ng-app) (function () { var root = angular.element(document.getElementsByTagName('body')); var watchers = []; var f = function (element) { angular.forEach(['$scope', '$isolateScope'], function (scopeProperty) { if (element...

How to make Sequelize use singular table names

...ames freezeTableName: true } } var sequelize = new Sequelize('mysql://root:123abc@localhost:3306/mydatabase', opts) Now when you define your entities, you don't have to specify freezeTableName: true: var Project = sequelize.define('Project', { title: Sequelize.STRING, descrip...

How to add directory to classpath in an application run profile in IntelliJ IDEA?

... @uaaquarius, Why is it that if I add mysql-connector-java-5.1.45/mysql-connector-java-5.1.45-bin.jar as dependency using the other method at stackoverflow.com/a/16742141/632951 it works, but doing using -Xbootclasspath/a it doesn't? – Pace...

Django rest framework nested self-referential objects

...ution works but the count output of my serializer is wrong. It only counts root nodes. Any ideas? It's the same with djangorestframework-recursive. – Lucas Veiga May 3 '17 at 1:29 ...

What does the KEY keyword mean?

In this MySQL table definition: 2 Answers 2 ...

SQL UPDATE all values in a field with appended string CONCAT not working

... That's pretty much all you need: mysql> select * from t; +------+-------+ | id | data | +------+-------+ | 1 | max | | 2 | linda | | 3 | sam | | 4 | henry | +------+-------+ 4 rows in set (0.02 sec) mysql> update t set data=concat(d...


... lets you put whatever you inserted into another table also. I don't think MySQL has an equivalent. You might create a temporary table, select into that table, then populate courses from that table, then use the temp table for whatever else you needed. – Andrew ...