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How does Apple know you are using private API?

...since I do not work in the Apple review team. 1. otool -L This will list all libraries the app has linked to. Something clearly you should not use, like IOKit and WebKit can be detected by this. 2. nm -u This will list all linked symbols. This can detect Undocumented C functions such as _UIIma...

How do I show the value of a #define at compile-time?

...ring. When there is more than one component to the argument then they must all be strings so that string concatenation can be applied. The preprocessor can never assume that an unquoted string should be treated as if it were quoted. If it did then: #define ABC 123 int n = ABC; would not compile. ...

mysql -> insert into tbl (select from another table) and some default values [duplicate]

... If you want to insert all the columns then insert into def select * from abc; here the number of columns in def should be equal to abc. if you want to insert the subsets of columns then insert into def (col1,col2, col3 ) select scol1,scol2,...

In which situations do we need to write the __autoreleasing ownership qualifier under ARC?

...ents that are passed by reference (id *) and are autoreleased on return. All of this is very well explained in the ARC transition guide. In your NSError example, the declaration means __strong, implicitly: NSError * e = nil; Will be transformed to: NSError * __strong error = nil; When you c...

Collapse sequences of white space into a single character and trim string

...low, because it creates a new object for every substring and sends method calls to each of them. – Georg Schölly Jun 23 '11 at 18:55 2 ...

How can I force division to be floating point? Division keeps rounding down to 0?

... a floating point number in Python in the following? c = a / b What is really being asked here is: "How do I force true division such that a / b will return a fraction?" Upgrade to Python 3 In Python 3, to get true division, you simply do a / b. >>> 1/2 0.5 Floor division, the classic di...

Using PUT method in HTML form

... XHTML 1.x forms only support GET and POST. GET and POST are the only allowed values for the "method" attribute. share | improve this answer | follow | ...

Wrap a delegate in an IEqualityComparer

...fying. But I still don't understand your hashing policy of t => 0. If all objects always hash to the same thing (zero), then isn't that even more broken than using obj.GetHashCode, per @Dan Tao's point? Why not always force the caller to provide a good hash function? – Jo...

How to get line count of a large file cheaply in Python?

... You can't get any better than that. After all, any solution will have to read the entire file, figure out how many \n you have, and return that result. Do you have a better way of doing that without reading the entire file? Not sure... The best solution will always ...

Redirect all to index.php using htaccess

...le PHP-based MVC-ish framework. I want this framework to be able to be installed in any directory. 7 Answers ...